比较数据表和 SQL 表
2021-07-19 16:06:29
所以我用谷歌搜索并搜索......是否有一种简单的方法可以将 SQL 表的表结构与 CLR 数据表进行比较?问题是:我们有一个返回 JSON 的 API,该 API 不断发展。当返回数组包含新对象时,我们希望通知调用者有更多数据可用。我们可以通过查询很容易地获得 SQL 模式:select COLUMN_NAME,ORDINAL_POSITION from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'ApiWork'但是我们如何将列/序数与保存 JSON 数组的 DataTable 进行比较?典型的返回数组如下所示: {"Index_0":"930477","Index_1":"test789","ArrayID":"1","Result":"OK","Order_ID":"930477","Model_Number":"FGHB2868TF","Ship_Date":"05/30/2018","Allocated":0,"Backordered":1,"Amount":0}我们可以使用 json 反序列化器或循环构建数据表:DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlPipe pipe = SqlContext.Pipe; String d = ""; String col = ""; int l = 0; int l2 = 0; int s = 0; int s2 = 0; o = "{\"Index_0\":\"930477\",\"Index_1\":\"test789\",\"ArrayID\":\"1\",\"Result\":\"OK\",\"DMI_Order_ID\":\"930477\",\"Model_Number\":\"FGHB2868TF\",\"Ship_Date\":\"05/30/2018\",\"Allocated\":0,\"Backordered\":1,\"Amount\":0}"; int c = o.Length; while (c > 0) { col = o.Substring(0, o.IndexOf(":")).Replace("\"", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); dt.Columns.Add(col); l = o.IndexOf(":"); l = l + 1; s = o.Length - l; o = o.Substring(l,s); // here we have removed the name portion l2 = o.IndexOf(","); l2 = l2 + 1; s2 = o.Length - l2; o = o.Substring(l2, s2); // here we have removed the value of the previous name c = o.Length; if (o.IndexOf(":") == -1 && o.IndexOf(",") == -1) { c = 0; } }我想这样循环也可以在必要时控制序数,但正如我在我的评论中提到的那样,这并不是完全必要的。