我正在运行 python 覆盖率,但我的覆盖率不是 100%。def add(a, b): return a + btest_utils.pyfrom python_coverage import utilsimport unittestclass TestAdd(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the add function from the mymath library """ def test_add_integers(self): """ Test that the addition of two integers returns the correct total """ result = utils.add(1, 2) self.assertEqual(result, 3) def test_add_floats(self): """ Test that the addition of two floats returns the correct result """ result = utils.add(10.5, 2) self.assertEqual(result, 12.5) def test_add_strings(self): """ Test the addition of two strings returns the two string as one concatenated string """ result = utils.add('abc', 'def') self.assertEqual(result, 'abcdef')if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() 覆盖率报告 -mName Stmts Miss Cover Missing-----------------------------------------------------------python_coverage/__init__.py 0 0 100%python_coverage/utils.py 2 1 50% 2tests/test_utils.py 12 6 50% 7-8, 11-12, 15-16-----------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 14 7 50%我从该链接复制代码并运行报告,这是它 -Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing-----------------------------------------------------------python_coverage/__init__.py 0 0 100%python_coverage/utils.py 2 1 50% 2tests/test_utils.py 14 8 43% 14-15, 21-22, 29-33-----------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 16 9 44%