我有一个用于汽车零件的 PhP 购物车,我需要能够在单击它时放大检索到的图像。问题是我无法为每张图片手动分配 ID,因为我正在从数据库中回显它们。我已经尝试为所有检索到的图片分配一个 ID/类,并使用 JS 功能在单击时放大它们,但无法使其正常工作。 $items_array = $db_controller->runQuery("SELECT * FROM mystuff ORDER BY ID ASC"); if (!empty($items_array)) { foreach($items_array as $key=>$value){ ?> <div class="DisplayCartItems"> <form method="post" action="?action=add&mscode=<?php echo $product_array[$key]["mscode"]; ?>"> <img src="<?php echo $product_array[$key]["msimage"]; ?>" class="imgcartdisplay" align="alignnone"/> /* Right here I need some help */ <div class="lif"><strong>Category:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["mscategory"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Category №:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["mscatnum"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Stock №:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["msnomer"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Mark:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["msmark"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Model:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["msmodel"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Year:</strong> <?php echo $product_array[$key]["msyear"]; ?></div> <div class="lif"><strong>Price:</strong> <?php echo "$".$product_array[$key]["msprice"]; ?></div> <div style="text-align:center"><input type="number" name="oap" placeholder="Offer a price:"></div> <br class=""> <div class="cartan"> Quantity: <input type="text" class="product-quantity" name="quantity" value="1" size="2" /> <br class=""> <input type="submit" onclick="AddCartAlert()" value="Add to cart" /></div> </form> </div> <?php } } ?>```I think if I can somehow assign an ID or class name for every picture that get displayed from the MySql and onclick change it's width/height, that'd do the job.
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