3 回答

TA贡献1802条经验 获得超5个赞
df = pd.DataFrame({'Patient Name': ["Some name", "Another name"],
"Patient ID": [123, 456],
"Misc Data Point": [8, 53]})
# link_column is the column that I want to add a button to
return render_template("patient_list.html", column_names=df.columns.values, row_data=list(df.values.tolist()),
link_column="Patient ID", zip=zip)
HTML 代码:这将任何 DF 动态转换为可定制的 HTML 表
{% for col in column_names %}
{% endfor %}
{% for row in row_data %}
{% for col, row_ in zip(column_names, row) %}
{% if col == link_column %}
<button type="submit" value={{ row_ }} name="person_id" form="patient_form" class="patient_button">
{{ row_ }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
CSS 代码
table {
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
td, th {
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #dddddd;