我正在练习一个问题:键入多个数字并在键入 0 时停止。打印出您键入的数字的最大值、最小值和平均值。以下是我的代码,我被困在平均值的计算中。例如:当我输入:2 5 7 -1 0 结果是:Type some numbers, and type 0 to end the calculattion: 2 5 7 -1 0The numbers you type are: 2 5 7 -1 Sum is: 13There are 4 numbersThe Max number is : 7The minimum number is : -1Average is : 3.0但是,平均值应为 3.25。我已经将变量 avg 设为 double 类型,为什么我的输出仍然是 3.0 而不是 3.25?谢谢!!public class Max_Min_Avg {public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Type some numbers, and type 0 to end the calculattion: "); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); int numbs = scanner.nextInt(); int count =0; int sum =0; int max = 0; int min=0; System.out.println("The numbers you type are: "); while(numbs!=0) { System.out.print(numbs + " "); sum += numbs; count ++; numbs = scanner.nextInt(); if(numbs>max) { max = numbs; } if(numbs<min) { min = numbs; } } while(numbs ==0) { break; } System.out.println(); double avg = (sum/count); System.out.println("Sum is: "+ sum); System.out.println("There are "+ count + " numbers"); System.out.println("The Max number is : " + max ); System.out.println("The minimum number is : " + min); System.out.println("Average is : " + avg);}
1 回答

TA贡献1828条经验 获得超13个赞
这是整数除法的问题。sum/count计算为 int 因为sum并且count是类型int。您可以通过隐式强制转换来解决这个问题 。
尝试 :-
double avg = sum*1.0/count; // implicit casting.
输出 :-
Type some numbers, and type 0 to end the calculattion:
2 5 7 -1 0
The numbers you type are:
2 5 7 -1
Sum is: 13
There are 4 numbers
The Max number is : 7
The minimum number is : -1
Average is : 3.25