目前我有一个代码可以将一堆键值对写入 csv。但是,它将所有内容都放在同一列中。我想将值与键分开以使其更具可读性。这将是很多信息,所以我想让它尽可能地可读。这是我的代码:import globfrom pathlib import Pathimport datetimeimport reimport csv#Gets the current time and returns it in ddmmyyyy format to match Transaction log file namesdef timeteller(): now = datetime.datetime.now() month = str('{:02d}'.format(now.month)) day1 = now.day day = str('{:02d}'.format(day1)) year =str(now.year) time =year+month+day return time#Folder location for G4S unit transaction reportsdef these_files(x, y): thislist = [] configfiles = Path('O:/Unit Management/Reports/G4S/').glob('{}*/{}*Transaction.txt'.format(x, y)) for files in configfiles: thislist.append(files) return thislist#Checks to make sure the date and ba numbers are numbers onlydef hasNumbers(inputString): numberfinal = [] numberfinal = re.findall("[.0-9]", inputString) if numberfinal == []: numberfinal = '1' return numberfinal#Selects which transaction reports to get the data from. #Transaction logs that have no date return nothingdef get_odometers(thesepath): get_this = [] for thispath in thesepath: with open(thispath,"r") as f: searchlines = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(searchlines): if "StartDay" in line: get_this.append(line) return get_this##Gets odometer numbers based on string match. Puts each number in key value pair#Serial Number added to key value pairdef make_pretty(checkthis): the_numbers = {} #the_numbers[''] = banumber for i, line in enumerate(checkthis): #the_numbers['Serial'] = banumber if 'StartDay' in line: for l in checkthis[i:i+1]: numbers = l[59:67] #numberschecked = hasNumbers(numbers) the_numbers[banumber] = numbers return the_numbers最后出来是这样的:{'02105': ' (5.10)'}基本上我想将 02105 编号与 5.10 分开,并将它们放在单独的列中。有什么建议吗?
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TA贡献1831条经验 获得超10个赞
csv 通常使用一些分隔符:','(逗号)、' '(空格)、'\t'(制表符)等。
所以你必须使用 ',' 作为分隔符而不是 '_'
combined = '{}_{}'.format(banumber,now)