2 回答

TA贡献1810条经验 获得超5个赞
#iterate gold dictionary
for i,j in gold.items():
# create a variable that indicates whether a match was found
match_found = False
#remove the digits off gold keys
i_stripped = i.rstrip(string.digits)
#iterate results dictionary
for k,v in results.items():
#remove the digits off results keys
k_stripped = k.rstrip(string.digits)
# check if key match!
if i_stripped == k_stripped:
#check if values match then increment tp
if j == v:
tp += 1
# now a match has been found, change variable
match_found = True
#delete dictionary entries to avoid counting them again
del gold_copy[i]
del results_copy[k]
#get out of this loop we found a match!
# NO match was found in the results, then consider it as fn
# now, only if no match has been found, increment fn
if not match_found :
fn += 1 #<------ wrong calculations caused in this line

TA贡献1876条经验 获得超6个赞
tp = 0 #true positives
fn = 0 #false negatives
fp = 0 #false positives
gold = {'A11':'cat', 'A22':'cat', 'B3':'mouse'}
results = {'A2':'cat', 'B2':'dog'}
for gold_k, gold_v in gold.items():
# Remove digits and make lower case
clean_gold_k = gold_k.rstrip(string.digits).lower()
for results_k, results_v in results.items():
# Remove digits and make lower case
clean_results_k = results_k.rstrip(string.digits).lower()
keys_agree = clean_gold_k == clean_results_k
values_agree = gold_v.lower() == results_v.lower()
print('Gold = ' + gold_k + ': ' + gold_v)
print('Result = ' + results_k + ': ' + results_v)
if keys_agree and values_agree:
tp += 1
elif keys_agree and not values_agree:
fn += 1
elif values_agree and not keys_agree:
fp += 1