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def Base:
def _get_data(self):
# get the data eg from database
return self._get_data_native()
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return Response(self._get_data())
def Cacheable(Base):
def _get_data(self):
# get from cache ...
result = ...
if result is None:
# or from base ...
result = ...
return result
def Derived(Cacheable):
def _get_data_native(self):
# get the data eg from database
通过从 Cacheable 继承,您可以在此处包含缓存,因为在此处_get_data被覆盖。
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from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.core.cache import cache
def cached_get(cache_key_func=None):
Decorator to be applied via django.utils.decorators.method_decorator
Implements content-aware cache fetching by decorating the "get" method
on a django View
:param cache_key_func: a function of fn(request, *args, **kwargs) --> String
which determines the cache key for the request
def decorator(func):
def cached_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
assert cache_key_func is not None, "cache_key_function is required"
key = cache_key_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
result = cache.get(key)
if result is None:
return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return Response(result)
return cached_func
return decorator
@method_decorator(cached_get(cache_key_func=get_cache_key), name="get")
class SomeView(BaseView):
def get_cache_key(request):
# do arbitrary processing on request, the following is the naïve melody
key = urllib.urlencode(request.query_params)
return key
因此,解决方案是使用 Django 的内置method_decorator函数,将其第一个参数装饰器应用于装饰类的方法,该方法由第二个参数name, to命名method_decorator。我定义了一个高阶函数,cached_get,它接受另一个函数作为它的参数,并返回一个柯里化函数(闭包,所谓的)。通过调用这个函数get_cache_key(而不是,请注意,调用该函数),我有一个装饰器,它将应用于 .get 方法SomeView。
装饰器本身是一个简单的 Python 装饰器——在这个应用程序中,它是cached_func,而原始的、未装饰的get方法是func。因此,cached_func内容替换SomeView.get,所以当SomeView.get被调用时,它首先检查缓存,但回落到未命中未修饰方法。