我有一个 3000 万行(1.6 gb)的大型 csv 文件,我正在使用 pymysql 将数据从 csv 加载到 mysql 表。我已经删除了表架构中的所有约束以加快加载速度,并将超时值设置为大值。def setTimeOutLimit(connection):try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: query = "SET GLOBAL innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 28800" cursor.execute(query) query2 = "SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 28800" cursor.execute(query2) query3 = "SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 28800" cursor.execute(query3) query4 = "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 28800" cursor.execute(query4) query5 = "SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout = 28800" cursor.execute(query5) query6 = "SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 1073741824" cursor.execute(query6)except: conn.close() sys.exit(" Could not set timeout limit ")数据被插入到表中,但我需要将其中一个列作为主键,因此我正在创建另一个表,该表通过忽略重复值使该列成为主索引。(tableName_1 是旧表 tableName 是新表)def createNewTableFromOld(connection, tableName):try: pprint( " Creating new table from old table with constraints" ) with connection.cursor() as cursor: query = (" CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " Like " + tableName + "_1") cursor.execute(query) query2 = (" ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD PRIMARY KEY(TimeStamp) ") cursor.execute(query2) query3 = (" INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tableName + " SELECT * FROM " + tableName + "_1") cursor.execute(query3) query4 = ("DROP TABLE " + tableName + "_1") cursor.execute(query4) connection.commit()except: conn.close() sys.exit(" Could not create table with Primary Key ") 在此方法执行期间,在 5-6 分钟后的某个地方我收到此错误, pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query ([WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)')而当我检查服务时,MYSQL80 自动崩溃并停止。我还在 my.ini 文件中将 max_allowed_packet_size 设置为 1 gb,并且所有超时都手动设置为 8 小时。可能是什么问题?