我正在尝试使用带有pydicom的假自定义AN来匿名化登录号:def an_callback(ds, data_element): if data_element.tag == Tag(0x00080050): data_element.value = '0000000000'ds.walk(an_callback)我想将自定义值而不是'0000000'传递给回调函数。我想我可以使用全局变量,但是我想避免这种情况以减少不必要的错误。有没有不使用全局变量的其他方法?编辑:我认为walk是一个特殊的python函数,但它只是ds的一个方法,这是代码。您可以在此处更改回调的代码,使其也包含可选参数。回调(自我,数据元素,替换值=无)def walk(self, callback, recursive=True): """Iterate through the DataElements and run `callback` on each. Visit all DataElements, possibly recursing into sequences and their datasets. The callback function is called for each DataElement (including SQ element). Can be used to perform an operation on certain types of DataElements. E.g., `remove_private_tags`() finds all private tags and deletes them. DataElement`s will come back in DICOM order (by increasing tag number within their dataset). Parameters ---------- callback A callable that takes two arguments: * a Dataset * a DataElement belonging to that Dataset recursive : bool Flag to indicate whether to recurse into Sequences. """ taglist = sorted(self.keys()) for tag in taglist: with tag_in_exception(tag): data_element = self[tag] callback(self, data_element) # self = this Dataset # 'tag in self' below needed in case callback deleted # data_element if recursive and tag in self and data_element.VR == "SQ": sequence = data_element.value for dataset in sequence: dataset.walk(callback)