我在理解点的偏移量方法在foreach循环中如何修改现有点数组时遇到麻烦。我可以通过手动索引每个数组实体来做到这一点,但是我强烈怀疑那不是应该怎么做。*编辑要清楚。将偏移点存储在MyPoints数组中的最佳方法是什么?请参见下面的代码。我使用http://rextester.com/在线C#编译器来测试代码。using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;using System.Drawing;namespace Rextester{ public class Program { static int ii = 0; public static void Main(string[] args) { Point[] MyPoints = { new Point(0,0), new Point(10,10), new Point(20,0) }; foreach(Point p in MyPoints) { p.Offset(5,2); //this works but does not store the new points } //in MyPoints array when the foreach loop //exits, which is what I want. Console.WriteLine("p1x = {0} \t p1y = {1}", MyPoints[0].X, MyPoints[0].Y); Console.WriteLine("p2x = {0} \t p2y = {1}", MyPoints[1].X, MyPoints[1].Y); Console.WriteLine("p3x = {0} \t p3y = {1} \n", MyPoints[2].X, MyPoints[2].Y); foreach(Point p in MyPoints) { MyPoints[ii].Offset(5,2); ii++; } Console.WriteLine("p1x = {0} \t p1y = {1}", MyPoints[0].X, MyPoints[0].Y); Console.WriteLine("p2x = {0} \t p2y = {1}", MyPoints[1].X, MyPoints[1].Y); Console.WriteLine("p3x = {0} \t p3y = {1}", MyPoints[2].X, MyPoints[2].Y); } }}//This yields the following/*p1x = 0 p1y = 0p2x = 10 p2y = 10p3x = 20 p3y = 0 p1x = 5 p1y = 2p2x = 15 p2y = 12p3x = 25 p3y = 2*/
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