编码Army.Add(new PigSquad("The Old Guard", 10, 4));哪里Army是List<Unit>和Pigsquad被定义为public class PigSquad : Unit{ public override bool Dead { get; set; } public override string Name { get; set;} public override int Strength { get; set; } public override int Age { get { return Age; } set { Age = value; Strength += 20 - Age; if (Age > 20) { Dead = true; } } } public override int Veterancy { get; set; } public PigSquad() { } public PigSquad(string Name) { this.Name = Name; } public PigSquad(string Name, int Strength) { this.Name = Name; this.Strength = Strength; } public PigSquad(string Name, int Strength, int Age) { this.Name = Name; this.Strength = Strength; this.Age = Age; }}运行时使Unity编辑器崩溃。我不知道为什么会这样。在这方面的任何帮助将不胜感激。
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TA贡献1785条经验 获得超4个赞
public override int Age { get { return Age; } set { Age = value; Strength += 20 - Age; if (Age > 20) { Dead = true; } } }
private int _Age; //maybe make this in your UNIT object as well and that way you do not need it in your child. public override int Age { get { return _Age; } set { _Age = value; Strength += 20 - _Age; if (Age > 20) { Dead = true; } } }
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