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Sub DAOLooping()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
strSQL = "tblTeachers"
'For the purposes of this post, we are simply going to make
'strSQL equal to tblTeachers.
'You could use a full SELECT statement such as:
'SELECT * FROM tblTeachers (this would produce the same result in fact).
'You could also add a Where clause to filter which records are returned:
'SELECT * FROM tblTeachers Where ZIPPostal = '98052'
' (this would return 5 records)
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'This line of code instantiates the recordset object!!!
'In English, this means that we have opened up a recordset
'and can access its values using the rs variable.
With rs
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then
'We don’t know if the recordset has any records,
'so we use this line of code to check. If there are no records
'we won’t execute any code in the if..end if statement.
'It is not necessary to move to the last record and then back
'to the first one but it is good practice to do so.
While (Not .EOF)
'With this code, we are using a while loop to loop
'through the records. If we reach the end of the recordset, .EOF
'will return true and we will exit the while loop.
Debug.Print rs.Fields("teacherID") & " " & rs.Fields("FirstName")
'prints info from fields to the immediate window
'We need to ensure that we use .MoveNext,
'otherwise we will be stuck in a loop forever…
'(or at least until you press CTRL+Break)
End If
'Make sure you close the recordset...
End With
Set rs = Nothing
'..and set it to nothing
Exit Sub
Resume ExitSub
End Sub