据我了解,C#的foreach迭代变量是不可变的。这意味着我不能像这样修改迭代器:foreach (Position Location in Map){ //We want to fudge the position to hide the exact coordinates Location = Location + Random(); //Compiler Error Plot(Location);}我不能直接修改迭代器变量,而必须使用for循环for (int i = 0; i < Map.Count; i++){ Position Location = Map[i]; Location = Location + Random(); Plot(Location); i = Location;}来自C ++背景,我将foreach视为for循环的替代方法。但是由于上述限制,我通常会转而使用for循环。我很好奇,使迭代器不变的背后原理是什么?编辑:这个问题更多是一个好奇问题,而不是编码问题。我感谢编码答案,但无法将其标记为答案。另外,上面的示例过于简化。这是我想做的一个C ++示例:// The game's rules: // - The "Laser Of Death (tm)" moves around the game board from the// start area (index 0) until the end area (index BoardSize)// - If the Laser hits a teleporter, destroy that teleporter on the// board and move the Laser to the square where the teleporter // points to// - If the Laser hits a player, deal 15 damage and stop the laser.for (int i = 0; i < BoardSize; i++){ if (GetItem(Board[i]) == Teleporter) { TeleportSquare = GetTeleportSquare(Board[i]); SetItem(Board[i], FreeSpace); i = TeleportSquare; } if (GetItem(Board[i]) == Player) { Player.Life -= 15; break; }}我不能在C#的foreach中完成上述操作,因为迭代器i是不可变的。我认为(如果我错了,请纠正我),这特定于语言中的foreach设计。我对为什么foreach迭代器是不可变的感兴趣。
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