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public enum Names
None = 0,
Susan = 1,
Bob = 2,
Karen = 4
Names names = Names.Susan | Names.Bob;
// evaluates to true
bool susanIsIncluded = (names & Names.Susan) != Names.None;
// evaluates to false
bool karenIsIncluded = (names & Names.Karen) != Names.None;
逻辑按位组合可能很难记住,因此我可以通过一FlagsHelper堂课* 使自己的生活更轻松:
// The casts to object in the below code are an unfortunate necessity due to
// C#'s restriction against a where T : Enum constraint. (There are ways around
// this, but they're outside the scope of this simple illustration.)
public static class FlagsHelper
public static bool IsSet<T>(T flags, T flag) where T : struct
int flagsValue = (int)(object)flags;
int flagValue = (int)(object)flag;
return (flagsValue & flagValue) != 0;
public static void Set<T>(ref T flags, T flag) where T : struct
int flagsValue = (int)(object)flags;
int flagValue = (int)(object)flag;
flags = (T)(object)(flagsValue | flagValue);
public static void Unset<T>(ref T flags, T flag) where T : struct
int flagsValue = (int)(object)flags;
int flagValue = (int)(object)flag;
flags = (T)(object)(flagsValue & (~flagValue));
Names names = Names.Susan | Names.Bob;
bool susanIsIncluded = FlagsHelper.IsSet(names, Names.Susan);
bool karenIsIncluded = FlagsHelper.IsSet(names, Names.Karen);
FlagsHelper.Set(ref names, Names.Karen);
FlagsHelper.Unset(ref names, Names.Susan);
*正如Porges所指出的,IsSet.NET 4.0中已经存在上述方法的等效项:Enum.HasFlag。不过,Set和Unset方法似乎没有等效项。所以我仍然会说这堂课有一些优点。

TA贡献1833条经验 获得超4个赞
if ( ( param & karen ) == karen )
// Do stuff
if ( ( param & karen ) == karen )
// Do Karen's stuff
if ( ( param & bob ) == bob )
// Do Bob's stuff
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