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Sub Tester()
Dim p
'get the unpivoted data as a 2-D array
p = UnPivotData(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, _
3, False, False)
With Sheets("Sheet1").Range("H1")
.Resize(UBound(p, 1), UBound(p, 2)).Value = p 'populate array to sheet
End With
'EDIT: alternative (slower) method to populate the sheet
' from the pivoted dataset. Might need to use this
' if you have a large amount of data
Dim r As Long, c As Long
For r = 1 To Ubound(p, 1)
For c = 1 To Ubound(p, 2)
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(r, c).Value = p(r, c)
Next c
Next r
End Sub
Function UnPivotData(rngSrc As Range, fixedCols As Long, _
Optional AddCategoryColumn As Boolean = True, _
Optional IncludeBlanks As Boolean = True)
Dim nR As Long, nC As Long, data, dOut()
Dim r As Long, c As Long, rOut As Long, cOut As Long, cat As Long
Dim outRows As Long, outCols As Long
data = rngSrc.Value 'get the whole table as a 2-D array
nR = UBound(data, 1) 'how many rows
nC = UBound(data, 2) 'how many cols
'calculate the size of the final unpivoted table
outRows = nR * (nC - fixedCols)
outCols = fixedCols + IIf(AddCategoryColumn, 2, 1)
'resize the output array
ReDim dOut(1 To outRows, 1 To outCols)
'populate the header row
For c = 1 To fixedCols
dOut(1, c) = data(1, c)
Next c
If AddCategoryColumn Then
dOut(1, fixedCols + 1) = "Category"
dOut(1, fixedCols + 2) = "Value"
dOut(1, fixedCols + 1) = "Value"
End If
'populate the data
rOut = 1
For r = 2 To nR
For cat = fixedCols + 1 To nC
If IncludeBlanks Or Len(data(r, cat)) > 0 Then
rOut = rOut + 1
'Fixed columns...
For c = 1 To fixedCols
dOut(rOut, c) = data(r, c)
Next c
'populate unpivoted values
If AddCategoryColumn Then
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 1) = data(1, cat)
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 2) = data(r, cat)
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 1) = data(r, cat)
End If
End If
Next cat
Next r
UnPivotData = dOut
End Function
TA贡献1848条经验 获得超6个赞
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim wsThis As Worksheet, wsThat As Worksheet
Dim ThisAr As Variant, ThatAr As Variant
Dim Lrow As Long, Col As Long
Dim i As Long, k As Long
Set wsThis = Sheet1: Set wsThat = Sheet2
With wsThis
'~~> Find Last Row in Col A
Lrow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Find total value in D,E,F so that we can define output array
Col = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("D2:F" & Lrow))
'~~> Store the values from the range in an array
ThisAr = .Range("A2:F" & Lrow).Value
'~~> Define your new array
ReDim ThatAr(1 To Col, 1 To 4)
'~~> Loop through the array and store values in new array
For i = LBound(ThisAr) To UBound(ThisAr)
k = k + 1
ThatAr(k, 1) = ThisAr(i, 1)
ThatAr(k, 2) = ThisAr(i, 2)
ThatAr(k, 3) = ThisAr(i, 3)
'~~> Check for Color 1
If ThisAr(i, 4) <> "" Then ThatAr(k, 4) = ThisAr(i, 4)
'~~> Check for Color 2
If ThisAr(i, 5) <> "" Then
k = k + 1
ThatAr(k, 1) = ThisAr(i, 1)
ThatAr(k, 2) = ThisAr(i, 2)
ThatAr(k, 3) = ThisAr(i, 3)
ThatAr(k, 4) = ThisAr(i, 5)
End If
'~~> Check for Color 3
If ThisAr(i, 6) <> "" Then
k = k + 1
ThatAr(k, 1) = ThisAr(i, 1)
ThatAr(k, 2) = ThisAr(i, 2)
ThatAr(k, 3) = ThisAr(i, 3)
ThatAr(k, 4) = ThisAr(i, 6)
End If
Next i
End With
'~~> Create headers in Sheet2
Sheet2.Range("A1:D1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1:D1").Value
'~~> Output the array
wsThat.Range("A2").Resize(Col, 4).Value = ThatAr
End Sub
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