3 回答
TA贡献1827条经验 获得超7个赞
>> =绑定
->到 a- > b:a到b
<-绑定 (因为它对>> =无效)
<$ map-replace by 0 <$ f:“ f map-replace by 0”
<*> ap(ply) (与Control.Monad.ap相同)
$ (无,与“” [空白] )
。管道连接到 。b:“ b管道到a”
!! 指数
!索引/严格 一个!b:“ a索引b”,foo!x:foo严格x
<|>或/可选 expr <|> term:“ expr或term”
++ concat /加号/附加
::类型/作为 fx :: Int:类型Int的fx
\ lambda
@ as go ll @(l:ls):ll as l cons ls〜
懒惰 go〜(a,b):懒散一对a,b
TA贡献1868条经验 获得超4个赞
| sym | pronunciation |
| | | "such that" |
| <- | "is drawn from" |
| = | "is defined to be" / "is defined as" |
| :: | "has type" / "of type" / "is of type" |
| -> | "a function that takes ... and returns a ..." / |
| | "function that maps" / |
| | "is a function from" / |
| | "to" |
| $ | "apply" |
| _ | "whatever" |
| !! | "index" |
| ++ | "concat" |
| [] | "empty list" |
| : | "cons" |
| \ | "lambda" |
| => | "implies" / "then" |
| *> | "then" |
| <$> | "fmap" / "dollar cyclops" |
| <$ | "map-replace by" |
| <*> | "ap" / "star cyclops" |
| . | "pipe to" / "compose" / "dot" |
| <|> | "or" |
| @ | "as" |
| ~ | "lazy" |
| <=< | "left fish" |