我想将JSch日志保存在文件中,因为它在控制台中不显示任何内容。这是我的代码:public boolean openConnection() throws ItsSshException { boolean connectSuccess = false; JSch.setLogger(new MyLogger()); Properties config = new Properties(); config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); jschSSH.setConfig(config); try { sshSession = jschSSH.getSession(username, hostname, port); sshSession.setPassword(password); sshSession.connect(connectionTimeout); LOGGER.info("Connection timeout : " + connectionTimeout); Thread.sleep(1000); sshHChannel = sshSession.openChannel("shell"); sshHChannel.connect(); in = sshHChannel.getInputStream(); out = new PrintStream(sshHChannel.getOutputStream()); clearInitialSocketState(); connectSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error during connectiong to host: " + hostname + ", port: " + port + "!", e); throw new ItsSshException("Error during connectiong to host: " + e.getMessage()); } LOGGER.info("connectSuccess : " + connectSuccess); return connectSuccess;}public static class MyLogger implements com.jcraft.jsch.Logger { static java.util.Hashtable name=new java.util.Hashtable(); static{ name.put(new Integer(DEBUG), "DEBUG: "); name.put(new Integer(INFO), "INFO: "); name.put(new Integer(WARN), "WARN: "); name.put(new Integer(ERROR), "ERROR: "); name.put(new Integer(FATAL), "FATAL: "); } public boolean isEnabled(int level){ return true; } public void log(int level, String message){ System.err.print(name.get(new Integer(level))); System.err.println(message); }}在哪里放置jsch记录器以获取文件中的一些信息。我尝试过但从未成功:D