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TA贡献1887条经验 获得超5个赞
O(n log k).
with space: O(k) (thanks, @Nzbuu)
基本上,您将使用大小限制为k的最大堆。对于数组中的每个项目,请检查其是否小于最大值(仅O(1))。如果是,则将其放入堆(O(log k))并删除最大值。如果更大,请转到下一个项目。
当然,堆不会产生k个项目的排序列表,但是可以在O(k log k)中完成,这很容易。
TA贡献1860条经验 获得超8个赞
对此问题的最佳解决方案如下:使用快速排序找到轴,并丢弃该第k个元素所在的部分,然后递归地找到下一个轴。(这是kth Max finder,您需要更改if else条件使其成为kth Min Finder)。这是JavaScript代码-
// Complexity is O(n log(n))
var source = [9, 2, 7, 11, 1, 3, 14, 22];
var kthMax = function(minInd, MaxInd, kth) {
// pivotInd stores the pivot position
// for current iteration
var temp, pivotInd = minInd;
if (minInd >= MaxInd) {
return source[pivotInd];
for (var i = minInd; i < MaxInd; i++) {
//If an element is greater than chosen pivot (i.e. last element)
//Swap it with pivotPointer element. then increase ponter
if (source[i] > source[MaxInd]) {
temp = source[i];
source[i] = source[pivotInd];
source[pivotInd] = temp;
// we have found position for pivot elem.
// swap it to that position place .
temp = source[pivotInd];
source[pivotInd] = source[MaxInd];
source[MaxInd] = temp;
// Only try to sort the part in which kth index lies.
if (kth > pivotInd) {
return kthMax(pivotInd + 1, MaxInd, kth);
} else if (kth < pivotInd) {
return kthMax(minInd, pivotInd - 1, kth);
} else {
return source[pivotInd];
// last argument is kth-1 , so if give 2 it will give you,
// 3rd max which is 11
console.log(kthMax(0, source.length - 1, 2));