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public static boolean willAdditionOverflow(int left, int right) { if (right < 0 && right != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return willSubtractionOverflow(left, -right); } else { return (~(left ^ right) & (left ^ (left + right))) < 0; }}public static boolean willSubtractionOverflow(int left, int right) { if (right < 0) { return willAdditionOverflow(left, -right); } else { return ((left ^ right) & (left ^ (left - right))) < 0; }}
public static boolean willAdditionOverflow(int left, int right) { try { Math.addExact(left, right); return false; } catch (ArithmeticException e) { return true; }}public static boolean willSubtractionOverflow(int left, int right) { try { Math.subtractExact(left, right); return false; } catch (ArithmeticException e) { return true; }}

TA贡献1835条经验 获得超7个赞
public int addWithOverflowCheck(int a, int b) { // the cast of a is required, to make the + work with long precision, // if we just added (a + b) the addition would use int precision and // the result would be cast to long afterwards! long result = ((long) a) + b; if (result > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new RuntimeException("Overflow occured"); } else if (result < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw new RuntimeException("Underflow occured"); } // at this point we can safely cast back to int, we checked before // that the value will be withing int's limits return (int) result;}
/** * Add two int's with overflow detection (r = s + d) */public static int add(final int s, final int d) throws ArithmeticException { int r = s + d; if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0) throw new ArithmeticException("int overflow add(" + s + ", " + d + ")"); return r;}
/** * Subtract two short's with overflow detection (r = d - s) */public static short sub(final short d, final short s) throws ArithmeticException { int r = d - s; if ((((~s & d & ~r) | (s & ~d & r)) & 0x8000) != 0) throw new ArithmeticException("short overflow sub(" + s + ", " + d + ")"); return (short) r;}
if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0)