我有加@TestNG。jar包也加上去了,eclipse的插件也下好了,selenium也Jar也好了,但一旦运行 就GG信息如下:[RemoteTestNG] detected TestNG version 6.14.2=============================================== Default test Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Skips: 0==============================================================================================Default suiteTotal tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Skips: 0===============================================[TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was runUsage: <main class> [options] The XML suite files to run Options: -configfailurepolicy Configuration failure policy (skip or continue) -d Output directory -dataproviderthreadcount Number of threads to use when running data providers -excludegroups Comma-separated list of group names to exclude -groups Comma-separated list of group names to be run -junit JUnit mode Default: false -listener List of .class files or list of class names implementing ITestListener or ISuiteListener -methods Comma separated of test methods Default: [] -methodselectors List of .class files or list of class names implementing IMethodSelector -mixed Mixed mode - autodetect the type of current test and run it with appropriate runner Default: false -objectfactory List of .class files or list of class names implementing ITestRunnerFactory -parallel Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes) Possible Values: [tests, methods, classes, instances, none, true, false] -port The port -reporter Extended configuration for custom report listener -suitename Default name of test suite, if not specified in suite definition file or source code -suitethreadpoolsize Size of the thread pool to use to run suites Default: 1 -testclass The list of test classes -testjar A jar file containing the tests -testname Default name of test, if not specified in suitedefinition file or source code -testnames The list of test names to run -testrunfactory, -testRunFactory The factory used to create tests -threadcount Number of threads to use when running tests in parallel -usedefaultlisteners Whether to use the default listeners Default: true -log, -verbose Level of verbosity -xmlpathinjar The full path to the xml file inside the jar file (only valid if -testjar was specified) Default: testng.xml------------------------这是说我没配置好吗?我网上搜了相关东西,没有搜出来。。大家帮给看看,是因为什么?
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