在我的反应应用程序中,我收到API作为字符串的成本(如990.00)。我将它存储在具有排序功能的素材UI表中。要对成本进行排序,它应采用数字格式。我正在使用toFloat()将其转换为数字,但我只获得了900。如果我将它修改为toFloat()。toFixed(2),它将再次转换为字符串。如果我将它修改为toFloat()。round(2),则根本没有输出。var cost = '900.00'var numericCost = toFloat(cost) //type - number but no decimal zerosvar numericCost = toFloat(cost).toFixed(2) //type - string, so can't sort itvar numericCost = toFloat(cost).round(2) //no output (can't see the data)如何使用带有以下十进制零的类型 - 数字来获取该数字?这是排序方法:let counter = 0;function createData(projectId, projectName, projectStatus, totalCost, paymentStatus, clientName, email, phone) { counter += 1; return { id: counter, projectId, projectName, projectStatus, totalCost, paymentStatus, clientName, email, phone };}function desc(a, b, orderBy) { if (b[orderBy] < a[orderBy]) { return -1; } if (b[orderBy] > a[orderBy]) { return 1; } return 0;}function getSorting(order, orderBy) { return order === 'desc' ? (a, b) => desc(a, b, orderBy) : (a, b) => -desc(a, b, orderBy);}class AllTable extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { order: 'asc', orderBy: 'userName', data: [], }; }componentDidMount() { API.get('url') .then(({ data }) => { this.setState({ data: data.response.map( job => ( createData( job.project_id, parseFloat(job.total), job.payment_status, ) ) ) }) }) .catch((err) => { console.log("AXIOS ERROR: ", err); }) }
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render() {
let data = this.props.data.sort((a, b) => {
// This is the sorting function, so we need to treat the values as a number
return toFloat(a.cost) - toFloat(b.cost);
return data.map(n => {
// Now we're showing the data, so treat it as a string
// It's already a string fetched from the API in the format needed, so just use directly
return (
<TableRow key={n.id}>