


忽然笑 2019-03-14 20:27:11
本人之前在linux上写的一段PHP代码(逻辑是用PHP实现对数据库中日志文件的转移,运行是shell脚本运行),为什么挂掉后(不能正常转移数据库中的数据),进程却还在,根本就看不出来他挂掉。具体的PHP代码如下: /** * 测试 */ class PaizuTableHandler extends ScriptBase { public static $mysql = null; const LOG_PAIZU_TABLE = 'log_user_paiju'; public function logic() { if(empty(self::$mysql)){ self::$mysql = $this->mysql('logs'); } set_time_limit(0); while (true) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $dataTime = strtotime($date); $timestampStart = $dataTime - 3600*24; //昨天 $timestampEnd = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),1,date("Y"));//本月月初 例如:2017-07-01 00:00:00 $timestampEnd_lastmoth = mktime(0, 0 , 0,date("m")-1,1,date("Y"));//上月月初 例如:2017-06-01 00:00:00 if($timestampStart < $timestampEnd){ sleep(60); continue; } $table = self::LOG_PAIZU_TABLE.'_'.date("Ym");//本月的表 $lastMothTable = self::LOG_PAIZU_TABLE.'_'.date("Ym",mktime(0, 0 , 0,date("m")-1,1,date("Y")));//上个月的表 $hasTable = self::$mysql->tableExists($table); //判断是否有本月的表 $hasTableLast = self::$mysql->tableExists($lastMothTable); //判断是否有上个月的表 $createFlag = $hasTable ? true : false; //本月的表是否存在 $createFlagLast = $hasTableLast ? true : false; //上个月的表是否存在 if( empty( $createFlag ) ){ //创建表 $createSql = "CREATE TABLE {$table} LIKE log_user_paiju"; $createFlag = self::$mysql->query($createSql); } if( $createFlag ){ //查询本月当天应清空数据有没有清空 $sql = "select * from log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd} and {$timestampStart} order by `time` desc limit 100"; $result = self::$mysql->query($sql); $rs = self::$mysql -> fetch_row($result); if( !$result ){ break; exit(0); } $date = date("Y-m-d"); $current_time = strtotime($date); //当前时间戳 $current_time2 = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),6,date("Y")); //月初第6天 $last_rs = array(); //添加于2017.10.25 if($current_time == $current_time2 && !empty( $createFlagLast ) && empty($rs)){ //本月第6天把 上个月的数据全部放到上个月的表中(要放最少2天前) $last_sql = "select * from log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd_lastmoth} and {$timestampEnd} order by `time` desc limit 100"; $last_sql1 = "INSERT INTO {$lastMothTable}(uid,paiju_score,paizu_score,`time`,paizu_id,seq,room_id,server_id,creator,`status`,mahjongType) SELECT uid,paiju_score,paizu_score,`time`,paizu_id,seq,room_id,server_id,creator,`status`,mahjongType FROM log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd_lastmoth} and {$timestampEnd} order by `time` desc limit 100"; $last_sql2 = "delete from log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd_lastmoth} and {$timestampEnd} order by `time` desc limit 100"; $result1 = self::$mysql->query($last_sql); $last_rs = self::$mysql -> fetch_row($result1); if($last_rs){ if($r = self::$mysql->query($last_sql1)){ self::$mysql->query($last_sql2); } } } $sql1 = "INSERT INTO {$table}(uid,paiju_score,paizu_score,`time`,paizu_id,seq,room_id,server_id,creator,`status`,mahjongType) SELECT uid,paiju_score,paizu_score,`time`,paizu_id,seq,room_id,server_id,creator,`status`,mahjongType FROM log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd} and {$timestampStart} order by `time` desc limit 100"; $sql2 = "delete from log_user_paiju where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) between {$timestampEnd} and {$timestampStart} order by `time` desc limit 100"; if(empty($rs) && empty($last_rs)){ sleep(60); } if($rs){ if($r1=self::$mysql->query($sql1)){ !self::$mysql->query($sql2); } } } usleep(3000); } } } ====================================分割线================================ shell脚本如下: #!/bin/sh # scripts daemon, add to /etc/crontab # */1 * * * * root PATH/script.sh --daemon # run on root if [ "$(uname -s|grep -F 'CYGWIN')" = "" ] && [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "superuser privileges are required to run this script." exit 1 fi # settings PHP_CLI="/usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini" SCRIPTS="PaizuTableHandler" # paths BASE_PATH=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd) BASE_SCRIPT="$BASE_PATH/script.php" LOGS_PATH="$BASE_PATH/data/logs/bash.log" USAGE="Usage: $(basename $0) [-d|-a|-k SCRIPT]\n\ -d, --daemon\t\tthe daemon mode, runing checking\n\ -a, --killall\t\tkill the all scripts\n\ -k, --kill SCRIPT\tkill the SCRIPT\n\ -h, --help\t\tthis help text" function get_pid() { echo $(ps -ef|grep -F "$1"|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}') } function kill_script() { PID=$(get_pid "$1") if [ "$PID" = "" ]; then echo "$1 not found" else kill -9 $PID echo "$1 has been killed, pid: $PID" fi } case $1 in -k|--kill) if [ "$2" = "" ]; then echo -e $USAGE exit 0 fi kill_script "$BASE_SCRIPT request/$2" ;; -a|--killall) for SCRIPT in $SCRIPTS; do kill_script "$BASE_SCRIPT request/$SCRIPT" done ;; -d|--daemon) for SCRIPT in $SCRIPTS; do SCRIPT="$BASE_SCRIPT request/$SCRIPT" PID=$(get_pid "$SCRIPT") if [ "$PID" = "" ]; then eval "$PHP_CLI $SCRIPT >/dev/null 2>&1 &" PID=$(get_pid "$SCRIPT") echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] $SCRIPT has been down, restarted: $PID" >> $LOGS_PATH fi done ;; *) echo -e $USAGE ;; esac

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