<?phpsession_start();error_reporting(0);$un = $_SESSION['username'];require_once("../model/conn.php");require_once '../function/npLog.php';$report_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/report/FILES/";$operation = $_GET['h'] == 1 ? "delete" : "download";if($operation == "download") // 0{ $n = $_GET['n']; if($n == 1) { $type = "single"; $format = "html"; } else if($n == 2) { $type = "single"; $format = "pdf"; } else if($n == 3) { $type = "all"; $format = "html"; } else if($n == 4) { $type = "all"; $format = "pdf"; } if($type == "single") { $filename = $_GET[filename]; if (!file_exists($report_dir.$filename))//查看报表文件是否存在 { echo "can't find file"; exit; } if($format == "html") { $files = array($filename); download_html_report_files($report_dir.$filename, $files); } else if($format == "pdf") { download_pdf_files($report_dir.$filename); } } else if($type == "all") { $file_path = $report_dir; set_time_limit(0); list($input_start_time,$input_end_time) = explode("_",$_REQUEST[startToend]); $start_time = date("Ymd",strtotime("$input_start_time")); $end_time = date("Ymd",strtotime("$input_end_time")); if($format == "pdf") { download_files($file_path,$start_time, $end_time,$format); } else if($format == "html") { download_files($file_path,$start_time,$end_time ,$format); } }}else if($operation == "delete"){ $dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/report/FILES/'; $dir1 = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/report/IMG/'; $filename=$_GET['filename']; if(!file_exists($dir.$filename )) { echo "can't find file"; exit; } else { $re2="删除报表".$filename."成功!"; $myAudit['audit_type'] = "'报表管理'"; $myAudit['usr_name'] = "'".$un."'"; $myAudit['client_ip'] = "'".getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')."'"; $myAudit['action_result'] = 1; $myAudit['action_desc'] = "' 系统管理员 ".$un.$re2." ' "; np_log($myAudit); $imgfilename2=substr($filename,-3,-1); if($imgfilename2=='pd') { unlink($dir . $filename); header("Location: ./FILES/index.php"); } else { $imgfilename=substr($filename,0,-5); $files = scandir($dir1, 1); foreach ($files as $index => $filename1) { $filename2=substr($filename1,0,strlen($imgfilename)); if ($imgfilename == $filename2) { $imgstring.=$dir1.$filename1." "; } } exec("rm -rf $imgstring"); unlink($dir.$filename); header("Location: ./FILES/index.php"); } }}function download_files($file_path, $start_time=null,$end_time=null ,$format){ $files = scandir($file_path, 1); $suffix = ".$format"; $files_array = array(); foreach ($files as $index => $filename){ $pos = strpos($filename, $suffix); if ($pos != false) { if(strpos($filename,"_")){ $month_files = substr($filename,stripos($filename,"_")+1,8); }else{ $month_files = substr($filename, 0, 8); } if($month_files >= $start_time && $month_files <= $end_time) { array_push($files_array, $filename); } } } if($format == "pdf") { download_pdf_files($file_path,$files_array,$start_time,$end_time); } else if($format == "html") { download_html_report_files($file_path,$files_array,$start_time,$end_time); } }function download_pdf_files($file_path,$files_array,$start_time=null,$end_time=null){ if(is_dir($file_path)) { $today = date("YmdHis"); $tmp_dir = "pdf_".$start_time."_".$end_time; $cmd = "cd $file_path;"; $cmd .= "mkdir -p $tmp_dir;"; foreach($files_array as $index => $file) { $cmd .= "cp -a $file_path$file $tmp_dir;"; } $cmd .= "tar cvzf $tmp_dir.tgz $tmp_dir;"; $cmd .= "rm -rf $tmp_dir;"; exec($cmd); file_export($file_path.$tmp_dir.".tgz"); $cmd = "rm -rf $tmp_dir.tgz;"; exec($cmd); } else { file_export($file_path); }}function download_html_report_files($file_path,$files_array,$start_time=null,$end_time=null){ if(is_dir($file_path)) { $output_dir = "html_".$start_time."_".$end_time; $files_dir = $file_path; } else { $names = split("\.",basename($file_path)); $output_dir =$names[0]; $files_dir = dirname($file_path); } $cmd = "mkdir -p $output_dir/HTML;"; $cmd .= "mkdir -p $output_dir/IMG;"; $cmd .= "cp ".$files_dir."/htmreport.css ".$output_dir."/HTML;"; foreach ($files_array as $index => $file) { $basename = split("\.", $file); $cmd .= "cp ".$files_dir."/".$basename[0].".html ".$output_dir."/HTML;"; $image_files = get_html_image_files($basename[0]); $cmd .= "cp "; foreach ($image_files as $image_file) { $cmd .= "$image_file "; } $cmd .= " $output_dir/IMG/;"; } $output_file = $output_dir.".tgz"; $cmd .= "cd $output_dir;cd ..; tar cvzf ".$output_file." ".$output_dir.";"; $cmd .= "rm -rf ".$output_dir.";"; exec($cmd); file_export($output_file); exec("rm -rf $output_file");}function get_html_image_files($basename) { $timeinfo = substr($basename,-14,-1); $image_dir = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT].'/report/IMG/'; $image_files = array(); $files = scandir($image_dir,1); foreach ($files as $file) { $image_basename = substr($file,0,strlen($timeinfo)); if($image_basename == $timeinfo) $image_files[] = $image_dir.$file; } return $image_files;}function file_export($file){ //First, see if the file exists if (!is_file($file)) { die("<b>404 File not found!</b>"); } //Gather relevent info about file $len = filesize($file); $filename = basename($file); $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,"."),1)); //This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file switch( $file_extension ) { case "exe": $ctype="application/octet-stream"; break; case "zip": $ctype="application/x-zip-compressed"; break; case "rar": $ctype="application/x-rar"; break; default: $ctype="application/force-download"; } //Begin writing headers header("Cache-Control:"); header("Cache-Control: public"); //Use the switch-generated Content-Type header("Content-Type: $ctype"); if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")) { # workaround for IE filename bug with multiple periods / multiple dots in filename # that adds square brackets to filename - eg. setup.abc.exe becomes setup[1].abc.exe $iefilename = preg_replace('/\./', '%2e', $filename, substr_count($filename, '.') - 1); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$iefilename\""); //header("Content-Range: $from-$to fsize"); 加上压缩包头信息不正确 //header("Content-Length: $content_size"); 加上压缩包头信息不正确 } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); //header("Content-Range: $from-$to fsize"); 加上压缩包头信息不正确 //header("Content-Length: $content_size"); 加上压缩包头信息不正确 } header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); //header('Expires: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime(date("H")+2, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))).' GMT'); $size=filesize($file); //open the file $fp=fopen("$file","rb"); //ek to start of missing part fseek($fp,$range); //start buffered download while(!feof($fp)){ //reset time limit for big files print(fread($fp,1024*8)); //flush(); 这个是多余的函数,加上会使压缩包下载不完整 //ob_flush(); 这个也是多余的函数,加上会使压缩包下载不完整 } fclose($fp);}