package employee2;import java.util.Scanner;public class Main { static employee []per=new employee[10]; public int empid; public static void main(String[] args) { employee.printMenu(); System.out.println("Please choose number 1~4 to do next:"); Scanner input = new Scanner(; int j = 0; while(input.hasNextInt()){ int chooseNumber = input.nextInt(); if(chooseNumber != 4){ switch(chooseNumber){ case 1: System.out.println("请输入员工号 :"); int empid=input.nextInt(); System.out.println("请输入员工姓名 :"); String; System.out.println("请输入公司名称 :"); String; System.out.println("请输入工资 :"); int salary=input.nextInt(); employee p = new employee(empid, empname, cname, salary); per[j] = p; j++; break; case 2: System.out.println("请输入要查询的员工号 :"); int empid1=input.nextInt(); int lower = 0;//第一个元素的下标 int high = per.length - 1;//最后一个元素的下标,几个数字下标就是长度减1 int index = 0; while(lower<=high){ index = (lower+high)/2;//记录中间元素,用两边之和除2. if(per[index].empid==(empid1)){//如果得到的数与要查找的数相等则break退出; break; }else if(per[index].empid < empid1){//如果得到的数要小于查找的数、就用下标加1;否则减一 lower=index+1; }else{ high = index-1; } } if(lower<=high){ System.out.println("员工号" + empid1 + "的基本信息为" + per[empid1].empid + " " + per[empid1].empname + " " + per[empid1].cname + " " + per[empid1].salary); }else{ System.out.println("没有该员工号"); } case 3: show(); default: System.out.println("You input the number is not in 1~4 ! " + "Please try again!"); break; } }else{ System.out.println("Exit!"); System.exit(0); } //设置显示延迟,输出结果与重新显示面板之间的延迟; try { Thread.currentThread(); Thread.sleep(3000);//毫秒; } catch(Exception e){ } //重新显示计算器提示面板 employee.printMenu(); System.out.println("Please choose number 1~4 to do next:"); } input.close(); } public static void show(){ for(int i=0;i<per.length-1;i++){ System.out.println(per[i].empid + " " + per[i].empname + " " + per[i].cname + " " + per[i].salary); } }}package employee2;class employee { public int empid; public String empname; public String cname; public int salary; public employee(int empid,String empname,String cname,int salary){ this.empid=empid; this.empname=empname; this.cname=cname; this.salary=salary; } static void printMenu(){ System.out.println("*********Calculator*********"); System.out.println("****************************"); System.out.println("\t1. Add Employee\t" + "\n\t2.Search Employee\t" + "\n\t3.Sort Employee\t" + "\n\t4.Exit\t"); System.out.println("****************************"); } }