#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Point{public: Point():x_(0),y_(0){cout<<"Point : (0, 0) is created."<<endl;} Point(double x, double y):x_(x),y_(y){cout<<"Point : ("<<x_<<", "<<y_<<") is created."<<endl;} Point(const Point &p); ~Point(); const double x()const{return x_;} const double y()const{return y_;} void show()const{ cout << "Point : ("<<x_<<", "<<y_<<")"<<endl; } const void showNoEndOfLine()const{cout << "Point : ("<<x_<<", "<<y_<<")" ;} double x_, y_;};Point::Point(const Point &p):x_(p.x_),y_(p.y_){cout<<"Point : ("<<x_<<", "<<y_<<") is copied."<<endl;}Point::~Point(){cout<<"Point : ("<<x_<<", "<<y_<<") is erased."<<endl;}istream &operator>>(istream &is, Point &p){ char z; is >> p.x_ >>z>> p.y_; return is;}class Line{public: Line():sta_(0,0),ed_(0,0){cout<<"Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<") is created."<<endl;} Line(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2 ):sta_(x1,y1),ed_(x2,y2){cout<<"Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<") is created."<<endl;} Line(Point &sta, Point &ed):sta_(sta),ed_(ed){cout<<"Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<") is created."<<endl;} Line(const Line &z); ~Line(); Line& setLine(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2){ sta_.x_=x1; ed_.x_=x2; sta_.y_=y1; ed_.y_=y2; return *this; } Line& setLine(const Point &g, const Point &h){ sta_.x_=g.x_;ed_.x_=h.x_; sta_.y_=g.y_;ed_.y_=h.y_; return *this; } Line& setLine(const Line &k){ sta_.x_=k.sta_.x_;ed_.x_=k.ed_.x_; sta_.y_=k.sta_.y_;ed_.y_=k.ed_.y_; return *this; } void readLine(){cin>>sta_>>ed_;} void show()const{ cout << "Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<")"<<endl; } Point setStart(Point &p){sta_.x_ = p.x_; sta_.y_ = p.y_;} Point setEnd(Point &q){ed_.x_ = q.x_; ed_.y_ = q.y_;}//调用析构// Point& l = sta_;// Point& o = ed_;// Point& start()const{return l;}// Point& end()const{return o;} const Point& start()const{return sta_;}//调用拷贝 const Point& end()const{return ed_;}private: Point sta_, ed_;};Line::Line(const Line &z):sta_(z.sta_),ed_(z.ed_){//wo cout<<"Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<") is copied."<<endl;}Line::~Line(){cout<<"Line : ("<<sta_.x_<<", "<<sta_.y_<<") to ("<<ed_.x_<<", "<<ed_.y_<<") is erased."<<endl;}void showLineCoordinate(const Line& line){ std::cout<<"Line : "; std::cout<<"("<<line.start().x()<<", "<<line.start().y()<<")"; std::cout<<" to "; std::cout<<"("<<line.end().x()<<", "<<line.end().y()<<")"; std::cout<<std::endl;}void showLinePoint(const Line& line){ std::cout<<"Line : "; line.start().showNoEndOfLine(); std::cout<<" to "; line.end().showNoEndOfLine(); std::cout<<std::endl;}void showLine(const Line& line){ line.show();}int main(){ int num, i; Point p(1, -2), q(2, -1), t; t.show(); std::cin>>num; Line line[num + 1]; for(i = 1; i <= num; i++) { line[i].readLine(); showLine(line[i]); } Line l1(p, q), l2(p,t), l3(q,t), l4(l1); showLineCoordinate(l1); showLinePoint(l2); showLinePoint(l3.setLine(l1)); showLineCoordinate(l4.setLine(t,q)); line[0].setStart(t); line[0].setEnd(q);}