public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String[] args) {
int one = 10 ;
int two = 20 ;
int three = 0 ;
three = one + two ==>30;
three += one ==> 40;
three -= one ==> 30;
three *= one ==> 300;
three /= one ==> 30;
three %= one ==> 0;
System.out.println("three = one + two ==>" + three);
System.out.println("three += one ==> "+ three);
System.out.println("three -= one ==> "+ three);
System.out.println("three *= one ==> "+ three);
System.out.println("three /= one ==> "+ three);
System.out.println("three %= one ==> "+ three);}}
error: illegal start of expression
three = one + two ==>30;
error: illegal start of expression
three += one ==> 40;
error: illegal start of expression
three -= one ==> 30;
error: illegal start of expression
three *= one ==> 300;
error: illegal start of expression
three /= one ==> 30;
error: illegal start of expression
three %= one ==> 0;
6 errors