666弹幕走一波。⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶66⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶666⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶6666 ⁶666⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ 666 ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶66⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶6666⁶⁶666666666666
666弹幕走一波。⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶66⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶666⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶6666 ⁶666⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ 666 ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶66⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶ ⁶6666⁶⁶666666666666
已采纳回答 / rockybean
是的,文中也给出解决办法了If you require multiple outputs, you have the following options:use the Logstash output and then use Logstash to pipe the events to multiple outputsrun multiple instances of the same BeatIf you used the file or console outputs for debugging p...