String hql ="select new map( as name,c.price as price,c.category as category, as sname) "
+ "from Commodity c "
+" where c.category like '%书%' and c.price>10 "
+"order by,c.price desc,";
+ "from Commodity c "
+" where c.category like '%书%' and c.price>10 "
+"order by,c.price desc,";
String hql = "select new map( as name,o.tradeDate as date,o.status as status,o.amount as amount) "
+ "from Order o where o.tradeDate between '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-01' and o.amount>1000"
+ "and o.status in ('已发货','已付款') order by o.status ,o.tradeDate desc,o.amount desc";
+ "from Order o where o.tradeDate between '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-01' and o.amount>1000"
+ "and o.status in ('已发货','已付款') order by o.status ,o.tradeDate desc,o.amount desc";