body {
width: $width;
${$$height}: 300px;
body {
width: $width;
${$$height}: 300px;
最新回答 / cryingcat
浏览器貌似不能直接用sass语法,他不会自动的编译成css。但是我奇怪的是在浏览器看到的难道不是编译后的css吗?你直接更改sass文件是什么意思。是更改resource里面的sass源文件吗. 兄弟你这操作有点骚啊
numbers (e.g. 1.2, 13, 10px)
strings of text, with and without quotes (e.g. "foo", 'bar', baz)
colors (e.g. blue, #04a3f9, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5))
booleans (e.g. true, false)
nulls (e.g. null)
lists of values, separated by spaces or commas
maps from one value to another
function references
strings of text, with and without quotes (e.g. "foo", 'bar', baz)
colors (e.g. blue, #04a3f9, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5))
booleans (e.g. true, false)
nulls (e.g. null)
lists of values, separated by spaces or commas
maps from one value to another
function references