已采纳回答 / 慕粉2119258355
用ifconfig eth0 network ip netmask配置后能生效,但在用setup设置完之后,用ifconfig命令查看,只有lo,之前的eth0没有了。 但是用ifconfig -a 命令eth0是能显示出来的,可是这时候没有ip地址。
我直接打 www.immoc.com进去是外国网站怎么回事。。。
The Irish Morris Minor Owners Club was founded in 1983. Our aims are simply to promote the preservation and use of the Morris Minor.The IMMOC exists for people who have a Morris Minor, those who........"
The Irish Morris Minor Owners Club was founded in 1983. Our aims are simply to promote the preservation and use of the Morris Minor.The IMMOC exists for people who have a Morris Minor, those who........"