
对apk 文件进行伪加密






package com.ljt.apk; import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException; public class MainClass {    public static void main(String[] args) {        //包含所有需要加密的apk的父目录        File rootFile = new File("G:\\apk\\apks");        File[] listFiles = rootFile.listFiles();                 System.out.println("--------------------------开始执行加密,和文件字节码的破坏------------------------------------");                 for(int i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++){            System.out.println("--------------------------对文件进行加密:"+listFiles[i]+"------------------------------------");            // 对压缩文件进行伪加密,            try {                new ApkUtilTool().ChangToEncryptedEntry(listFiles[i], new File("G:\\apk\\tempApk\\"+listFiles[i].getName()));            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        System.out.println("--------------------加密完成------------------------");                 //加密完成后,的临时目录        File tempFile = new File("G:\\apk\\tempApk");        File[] tempFiles = tempFile.listFiles();        for(int i = 0; i < tempFiles.length; i++){            String name = tempFiles[i].getName();            System.out.println("--------------------破坏文件:"+name+"------------------------");            name = name.substring(0,name.length()-4);            //加密完成后的目录            File outFile = new File("G:\\apk\\encryptApk\\"+name);            outFile.mkdirs();            damageFile(tempFiles[i],outFile.getAbsolutePath()+"\\Android.apk");            tempFiles[i].delete();        }        System.out.println("-----------------------------全部完成---------------------------------");                 //测试去除伪加密//      try {//          new ApkUtilTool().FixEncryptedEntry("c:/Android.apk", "c:/Android1.apk");//      } catch (IOException e) {//          e.printStackTrace();//      }    }         /**     * 破坏文件     * @param inFile     * @param outFilePath     */    public static void damageFile(File inFile,String outFilePath){        try {            FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inFile);            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFilePath);            int read = 0;            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[512];                         long fileSize = inFile.length() - 512;            long count = 0;            while((read = in.read(readBuffer)) != -1){                if(count > fileSize){                    readBuffer[read-2] = (byte) (readBuffer[read-2] ^ 0xff);                    out.write(readBuffer,0,read);                }else{                                         out.write(readBuffer,0,read);                }                count += read;            }            in.close();            out.flush();            out.close();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


package com.ljt.apk; import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.zip.ZipError;import com.ljt.apk.ZipConstants; public class ApkUtilTool {     private FileChannel ch; // channel to the zipfile    private FileChannel fc;     /**     * 修复zip伪加密状态的Entry     *      * @param inZip     * @param storeZip     * @throws IOException     */    private void FixEncryptedEntry(File inZip, File fixZip) throws IOException {        changEntry(inZip, fixZip, true);     }     /**     * 修复zip伪加密状态的Entry     *      * @param inZip     * @param storeZip     * @throws IOException     */    public void FixEncryptedEntry(String inZip, String fixZip) throws IOException {        FixEncryptedEntry(new File(inZip), new File(fixZip));    }     /**     * 修改zip的Entry为伪加密状态     *      * @param inZip     * @param storeZip     * @throws IOException     */    public void ChangToEncryptedEntry(String inZip, String storeZip) throws IOException {        ChangToEncryptedEntry(new File(inZip), new File(storeZip));    }    /**     * 修改zip的Entry为伪加密状态     *      * @param inZip     * @param storeZip     * @throws IOException     */    public void ChangToEncryptedEntry(File inZip, File storeZip) throws IOException {        changEntry(inZip, storeZip, false);    }      /**     * 更改zip的Entry为伪加密状态     *      * @param inZip     * @param storeZip     * @param fix     *            ture:修复伪加密 false:更改到伪加密     * @throws IOException     */    private void changEntry(File inZip, File storeZip, boolean fix) throws IOException {        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inZip);        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(storeZip);         byte[] buf = new byte[10240];        int len;        while ((len = fis.read(buf)) != -1) {            fos.write(buf, 0, len);        }         ch = fis.getChannel();        fc = fos.getChannel();         changEntry(fix);         ch.close();        fc.close();         fis.close();        fos.close();    }     // Reads zip file central directory. Returns the file position of first    // CEN header, otherwise returns -1 if an error occured. If zip->msg != NULL    // then the error was a zip format error and zip->msg has the error text.    // Always pass in -1 for knownTotal; it's used for a recursive call.    private void changEntry(boolean fix) throws IOException {        END end = findEND();         if (end.cenlen > end.endpos)            zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory size)");        long cenpos = end.endpos - end.cenlen; // position of CEN table         // Get position of first local file (LOC) header, taking into        // account that there may be a stub prefixed to the zip file.        long locpos = cenpos - end.cenoff;        if (locpos < 0)            zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory offset)");         // read in the CEN and END        byte[] cen = new byte[(int) (end.cenlen + ZipConstants.ENDHDR)];        if (readFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos) != end.cenlen + ZipConstants.ENDHDR) {            zerror("read CEN tables failed");        }         int pos = 0;        int limit = cen.length - ZipConstants.ENDHDR;        while (pos < limit) {            if (ZipConstants.CENSIG(cen, pos) != ZipConstants.CENSIG)                zerror("invalid CEN header (bad signature)");            int method = ZipConstants.CENHOW(cen, pos);            int nlen = ZipConstants.CENNAM(cen, pos);            int elen = ZipConstants.CENEXT(cen, pos);            int clen = ZipConstants.CENCOM(cen, pos);             if (fix) {                if ((ZipConstants.CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) != 0) {                    byte[] name = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos + ZipConstants.CENHDR, pos + ZipConstants.CENHDR + nlen);                    System.out.println("Found the encrypted entry : " + new String(name) + ", fix...");                    // b[n] & 0xff) | ((b[n + 1] & 0xff) << 8                    cen[pos + 8] &= 0xFE;                    // cen[pos+8] ^= CEN***(cen, pos) % 2;                    // cen[pos+8] ^= cen[pos+8] % 2;                    // zerror("invalid CEN header (encrypted entry)");                }            } else {                if ((ZipConstants.CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) == 0) {                    byte[] name = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos + ZipConstants.CENHDR, pos + ZipConstants.CENHDR + nlen);                    System.out.println("Chang the entry : " + new String(name) + ", Encrypted...");                    // b[n] & 0xff) | ((b[n + 1] & 0xff) << 8                    cen[pos + 8] |= 0x1;                    // zerror("invalid CEN header (encrypted entry)");                }            }             if (method != ZipConstants.METHOD_STORED && method != ZipConstants.METHOD_DEFLATED)                zerror("invalid CEN header (unsupported compression method: " + method + ")");            if (pos + ZipConstants.CENHDR + nlen > limit)                zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)");             // skip ext and comment            pos += (ZipConstants.CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen);        }         writeFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos);         if (pos + ZipConstants.ENDHDR != cen.length) {            zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)");        }    }     // Reads len bytes of data from the specified offset into buf.    // Returns the total number of bytes read.    // Each/every byte read from here (except the cen, which is mapped).    final long readFullyAt(byte[] buf, int off, long len, long pos) throws IOException {        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);        bb.position(off);        bb.limit((int) (off + len));        return readFullyAt(bb, pos);    }     private final long readFullyAt(ByteBuffer bb, long pos) throws IOException {        synchronized (ch) {            return ch.position(pos).read(bb);        }    }     final long writeFullyAt(byte[] buf, int off, long len, long pos) throws IOException {        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);        bb.position(off);        bb.limit((int) (off + len));        return writeFullyAt(bb, pos);    }     private final long writeFullyAt(ByteBuffer bb, long pos) throws IOException {        synchronized (fc) {            return fc.position(pos).write(bb);        }    }     // Searches for end of central directory (END) header. The contents of    // the END header will be read and placed in endbuf. Returns the file    // position of the END header, otherwise returns -1 if the END header    // was not found or an error occurred.    private END findEND() throws IOException {        byte[] buf = new byte[ZipConstants.READBLOCKSZ];        long ziplen = ch.size();        long minHDR = (ziplen - ZipConstants.END_MAXLEN) > 0 ? ziplen - ZipConstants.END_MAXLEN : 0;        long minPos = minHDR - (buf.length - ZipConstants.ENDHDR);         for (long pos = ziplen - buf.length; pos >= minPos; pos -= (buf.length - ZipConstants.ENDHDR)) {            int off = 0;            if (pos < 0) {                // Pretend there are some NUL bytes before start of file                off = (int) -pos;                Arrays.fill(buf, 0, off, (byte) 0);            }            int len = buf.length - off;            if (readFullyAt(buf, off, len, pos + off) != len)                zerror("zip END header not found");             // Now scan the block backwards for END header signature            for (int i = buf.length - ZipConstants.ENDHDR; i >= 0; i--) {                if (buf[i + 0] == (byte) 'P' && buf[i + 1] == (byte) 'K' && buf[i + 2] == (byte) '\005' && buf[i + 3] == (byte) '\006' && (pos + i + ZipConstants.ENDHDR + ZipConstants.ENDCOM(buf, i) == ziplen)) {                    // Found END header                    buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, i, i + ZipConstants.ENDHDR);                    END end = new END();                    end.endsub = ZipConstants.ENDSUB(buf);                    end.centot = ZipConstants.ENDTOT(buf);                    end.cenlen = ZipConstants.ENDSIZ(buf);                    end.cenoff = ZipConstants.ENDOFF(buf);                    end.comlen = ZipConstants.ENDCOM(buf);                    end.endpos = pos + i;                    if (end.cenlen == ZipConstants.ZIP64_MINVAL || end.cenoff == ZipConstants.ZIP64_MINVAL || end.centot == ZipConstants.ZIP64_MINVAL32) {                        // need to find the zip64 end;                        byte[] loc64 = new byte[ZipConstants.ZIP64_LOCHDR];                        if (readFullyAt(loc64, 0, loc64.length, end.endpos - ZipConstants.ZIP64_LOCHDR) != loc64.length) {                            return end;                        }                        long end64pos = ZipConstants.ZIP64_LOCOFF(loc64);                        byte[] end64buf = new byte[ZipConstants.ZIP64_ENDHDR];                        if (readFullyAt(end64buf, 0, end64buf.length, end64pos) != end64buf.length) {                            return end;                        }                        // end64 found, re-calcualte everything.                        end.cenlen = ZipConstants.ZIP64_ENDSIZ(end64buf);                        end.cenoff = ZipConstants.ZIP64_ENDOFF(end64buf);                        end.centot = (int) ZipConstants.ZIP64_ENDTOT(end64buf); // assume                                                                                // total                                                                                // <                                                                                // 2g                        end.endpos = end64pos;                    }                    return end;                }            }        }        zerror("zip END header not found");        return null; // make compiler happy    }     static void zerror(String msg) {        throw new ZipError(msg);    }     // End of central directory record    static class END {        int disknum;        int sdisknum;        int endsub; // endsub        int centot; // 4 bytes        long cenlen; // 4 bytes        long cenoff; // 4 bytes        int comlen; // comment length        byte[] comment;         /* members of Zip64 end of central directory locator */        int diskNum;        long endpos;        int disktot;         @Override        public String toString() {            return "disknum : " + disknum + "\n" + "sdisknum : " + sdisknum + "\n" + "endsub : " + endsub + "\n" + "centot : " + centot + "\n" + "cenlen : " + cenlen + "\n" + "cenoff : " + cenoff + "\n" + "comlen : " + comlen + "\n" + "diskNum : " + diskNum + "\n" + "endpos : " + endpos + "\n" + "disktot : " + disktot;        }    }}


package com.ljt.apk; class ZipConstants {    /*     * Compression methods     */    static final int METHOD_STORED     = 0;    static final int METHOD_DEFLATED   = 8;    static final int METHOD_DEFLATED64 = 9;    static final int METHOD_BZIP2      = 12;    static final int METHOD_LZMA       = 14;    static final int METHOD_LZ77       = 19;    static final int METHOD_AES        = 99;     /*     * General purpose big flag     */    static final int FLAG_ENCRYPTED  = 0x01;    static final int FLAG_DATADESCR  = 0x08;    // crc, size and csize in dd    static final int FLAG_EFS        = 0x800;   // If this bit is set the filename and                                                // comment fields for this file must be                                                // encoded using UTF-8.    /*     * Header signatures     */    static long LOCSIG = 0x04034b50L;   // "PK\003\004"    static long EXTSIG = 0x08074b50L;   // "PK\007\008"    static long CENSIG = 0x02014b50L;   // "PK\001\002"    static long ENDSIG = 0x06054b50L;   // "PK\005\006"     /*     * Header sizes in bytes (including signatures)     */    static final int LOCHDR = 30;       // LOC header size    static final int EXTHDR = 16;       // EXT header size    static final int CENHDR = 46;       // CEN header size    static final int ENDHDR = 22;       // END header size     /*     * Local file (LOC) header field offsets     */    static final int LOCVER = 4;        // version needed to extract    static final int LOCFLG = 6;        // general purpose bit flag    static final int LOCHOW = 8;        // compression method    static final int LOCTIM = 10;       // modification time    static final int LOCCRC = 14;       // uncompressed file crc-32 value    static final int LOCSIZ = 18;       // compressed size    static final int LOCLEN = 22;       // uncompressed size    static final int LOCNAM = 26;       // filename length    static final int LOCEXT = 28;       // extra field length     /*     * Extra local (EXT) header field offsets     */    static final int EXTCRC = 4;        // uncompressed file crc-32 value    static final int EXTSIZ = 8;        // compressed size    static final int EXTLEN = 12;       // uncompressed size     /*     * Central directory (CEN) header field offsets     */    static final int CENVEM = 4;        // version made by    static final int CENVER = 6;        // version needed to extract    static final int CENFLG = 8;        // encrypt, decrypt flags    static final int CENHOW = 10;       // compression method    static final int CENTIM = 12;       // modification time    static final int CENCRC = 16;       // uncompressed file crc-32 value    static final int CENSIZ = 20;       // compressed size    static final int CENLEN = 24;       // uncompressed size    static final int CENNAM = 28;       // filename length    static final int CENEXT = 30;       // extra field length    static final int CENCOM = 32;       // comment length    static final int CENDSK = 34;       // disk number start    static final int CENATT = 36;       // internal file attributes    static final int CENATX = 38;       // external file attributes    static final int CENOFF = 42;       // LOC header offset     /*     * End of central directory (END) header field offsets     */    static final int ENDSUB = 8;        // number of entries on this disk    static final int ENDTOT = 10;       // total number of entries    static final int ENDSIZ = 12;       // central directory size in bytes    static final int ENDOFF = 16;       // offset of first CEN header    static final int ENDCOM = 20;       // zip file comment length     /*     * ZIP64 constants     */    static final long ZIP64_ENDSIG = 0x06064b50L;  // "PK\006\006"    static final long ZIP64_LOCSIG = 0x07064b50L;  // "PK\006\007"    static final int  ZIP64_ENDHDR = 56;           // ZIP64 end header size    static final int  ZIP64_LOCHDR = 20;           // ZIP64 end loc header size    static final int  ZIP64_EXTHDR = 24;           // EXT header size    static final int  ZIP64_EXTID  = 0x0001;       // Extra field Zip64 header ID     static final int  ZIP64_MINVAL32 = 0xFFFF;    static final long ZIP64_MINVAL = 0xFFFFFFFFL;     /*     * Zip64 End of central directory (END) header field offsets     */    static final int  ZIP64_ENDLEN = 4;       // size of zip64 end of central dir    static final int  ZIP64_ENDVEM = 12;      // version made by    static final int  ZIP64_ENDVER = 14;      // version needed to extract    static final int  ZIP64_ENDNMD = 16;      // number of this disk    static final int  ZIP64_ENDDSK = 20;      // disk number of start    static final int  ZIP64_ENDTOD = 24;      // total number of entries on this disk    static final int  ZIP64_ENDTOT = 32;      // total number of entries    static final int  ZIP64_ENDSIZ = 40;      // central directory size in bytes    static final int  ZIP64_ENDOFF = 48;      // offset of first CEN header    static final int  ZIP64_ENDEXT = 56;      // zip64 extensible data sector     /*     * Zip64 End of central directory locator field offsets     */    static final int  ZIP64_LOCDSK = 4;       // disk number start    static final int  ZIP64_LOCOFF = 8;       // offset of zip64 end    static final int  ZIP64_LOCTOT = 16;      // total number of disks     /*     * Zip64 Extra local (EXT) header field offsets     */    static final int  ZIP64_EXTCRC = 4;       // uncompressed file crc-32 value    static final int  ZIP64_EXTSIZ = 8;       // compressed size, 8-byte    static final int  ZIP64_EXTLEN = 16;      // uncompressed size, 8-byte     /*     * Extra field header ID     */    static final int  EXTID_ZIP64 = 0x0001;      // ZIP64    static final int  EXTID_NTFS  = 0x000a;      // NTFS    static final int  EXTID_UNIX  = 0x000d;      // UNIX    static final int  EXTID_EFS   = 0x0017;      // Strong Encryption    static final int  EXTID_EXTT  = 0x5455;      // Info-ZIP Extended Timestamp     /*     * fields access methods     */    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////    static final int CH(byte[] b, int n) {       return b[n] & 0xff;    }     static final int SH(byte[] b, int n) {        return (b[n] & 0xff) | ((b[n + 1] & 0xff) << 8);    }     static final long LG(byte[] b, int n) {        return ((SH(b, n)) | (SH(b, n + 2) << 16)) & 0xffffffffL;    }     static final long LL(byte[] b, int n) {        return (LG(b, n)) | (LG(b, n + 4) << 32);    }     static final long GETSIG(byte[] b) {        return LG(b, 0);    }     // local file (LOC) header fields    static final long LOCSIG(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 0); } // signature    static final int  LOCVER(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 4); } // version needed to extract    static final int  LOCFLG(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 6); } // general purpose bit flags    static final int  LOCHOW(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 8); } // compression method    static final long LOCTIM(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 10);} // modification time    static final long LOCCRC(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 14);} // crc of uncompressed data    static final long LOCSIZ(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 18);} // compressed data size    static final long LOCLEN(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 22);} // uncompressed data size    static final int  LOCNAM(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 26);} // filename length    static final int  LOCEXT(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 28);} // extra field length     // extra local (EXT) header fields    static final long EXTCRC(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 4);}  // crc of uncompressed data    static final long EXTSIZ(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 8);}  // compressed size    static final long EXTLEN(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 12);} // uncompressed size     // end of central directory header (END) fields    static final int  ENDSUB(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 8); }  // number of entries on this disk    static final int  ENDTOT(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 10);}  // total number of entries    static final long ENDSIZ(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 12);}  // central directory size    static final long ENDOFF(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 16);}  // central directory offset    static final int  ENDCOM(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 20);}  // size of zip file comment    static final int  ENDCOM(byte[] b, int off) { return SH(b, off + 20);}     // zip64 end of central directory recoder fields    static final long ZIP64_ENDTOD(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 24);}  // total number of entries on disk    static final long ZIP64_ENDTOT(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 32);}  // total number of entries    static final long ZIP64_ENDSIZ(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 40);}  // central directory size    static final long ZIP64_ENDOFF(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 48);}  // central directory offset    static final long ZIP64_LOCOFF(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 8);}   // zip64 end offset     // central directory header (CEN) fields    static final long CENSIG(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 0); }    static final int  CENVEM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 4); }    static final int  CENVER(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 6); }    static final int  CENFLG(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 8); }    static final int  CENHOW(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 10);}    static final long CENTIM(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 12);}    static final long CENCRC(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 16);}    static final long CENSIZ(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 20);}    static final long CENLEN(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 24);}    static final int  CENNAM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 28);}    static final int  CENEXT(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 30);}    static final int  CENCOM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 32);}    static final int  CENDSK(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 34);}    static final int  CENATT(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 36);}    static final long CENATX(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 38);}    static final long CENOFF(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 42);}     /* The END header is followed by a variable length comment of size < 64k. */    static final long END_MAXLEN = 0xFFFF + ENDHDR;    static final int READBLOCKSZ = 128;}



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