自定义GroupCardChatRow继承EaseChatRow,在 onBubbleClick()中重写消息的点击事件。
public class GroupCardChatRow extends EaseChatRow { private TextView contentView; private TextView tvGroupName; private ImageView imgGroup; private TextView tvIntroduce; private TextView tvNember; private String gid; public GroupCardChatRow(Context context, EMMessage message, int position, BaseAdapter adapter) { super(context, message, position, adapter); } //接收和发送名片消息的布局 @Override protected void onInflateView() { inflater.inflate(message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? R.layout.ease_row_received_group_card : R.layout.ease_row_sent_group_card, this); } @Override protected void onFindViewById() { contentView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv_chatcontent); tvGroupName = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv_group_name); imgGroup = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.img_group); tvIntroduce = (TextView) findViewById(tv_introduce); tvNember = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv_number); } @Override public void onSetUpView() { try { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map = new Gson().fromJson(message.getStringAttribute(EaseConstant.EXTRA_GROUP_CARD), Map.class); String name = map.get("name"); String description = map.get("description"); String pic = map.get("pic"); String memberCount = map.get("member_count"); gid = map.get("gid"); tvGroupName.setText(name); ImageUtil.loadImageWithView(context, pic, imgGroup); tvIntroduce.setText(description); tvNember.setText("群成员人数:" + memberCount + "人"); } catch (HyphenateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } handleTextMessage(); } protected void handleTextMessage() { if (message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.SEND) { setMessageSendCallback(); switch (message.status()) { case CREATE: progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); statusView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break; case SUCCESS: progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); statusView.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; case FAIL: progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); statusView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break; case INPROGRESS: progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); statusView.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; default: break; } } else { if (!message.isAcked() && message.getChatType() == ChatType.Chat) { try { EMClient.getInstance().chatManager().ackMessageRead(message.getFrom(), message.getMsgId()); } catch (HyphenateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } @Override protected void onUpdateView() { adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override protected void onBubbleClick() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Intent intent = new Intent(context, GroupCardActivity.class); intent.putExtra("gid", gid); context.startActivity(intent); } }
protected void sendMessage(UserPageBean userPageBean) { EMMessage message = EMMessage.createTxtSendMessage("群邀请", userPageBean.getIm_namelogin()); message.setAttribute(EaseConstant.EXTRA_GROUP_CARD, groupMessage); EMClient.getInstance().chatManager().sendMessage(message); }
修改 getItemViewType和createChatRow方法,在其中添加这两种消息类型
public class EaseMessageAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private final static String TAG = "msg"; private Context context; private static final int HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST = 0; private static final int HANDLER_MESSAGE_SELECT_LAST = 1; private static final int HANDLER_MESSAGE_SEEK_TO = 2; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_TXT = 0; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_TXT = 1; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_IMAGE = 2; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_LOCATION = 3; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_LOCATION = 4; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_IMAGE = 5; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_VOICE = 6; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_VOICE = 7; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_VIDEO = 8; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_VIDEO = 9; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_FILE = 10; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_FILE = 11; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_EXPRESSION = 12; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_EXPRESSION = 13; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_GROUP_CARD = 14; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_GROUP_CARD = 15; public int itemTypeCount; // reference to conversation object in chatsdk private EMConversation conversation; EMMessage[] messages = null; private String toChatUsername; private boolean isTrueName; private boolean isBidTureName; private MessageListItemClickListener itemClickListener; private EaseCustomChatRowProvider customRowProvider; private boolean showUserNick; private boolean showAvatar; private Drawable myBubbleBg; private Drawable otherBuddleBg; private String orderId; private String type; private ListView listView; private boolean isbidded; private boolean isbiddedMessage; public EaseMessageAdapter(Context context, String username, int chatType, ListView listView, boolean isTrueName, String orderId, boolean isBidTureName, String type, boolean isBidded) { this.context = context; this.listView = listView; toChatUsername = username; this.isTrueName = isTrueName; this.orderId = orderId; this.isBidTureName = isBidTureName; this.type = type; this.conversation = EMClient.getInstance().chatManager().getConversation(username, EaseCommonUtils.getConversationType(chatType), true); this.isbidded = isBidded; } List<EMMessage> msgs1; Handler handler = new Handler() { private void refreshList() { // you should not call getAllMessages() in UI thread // otherwise there is problem when refreshing UI and there is new message arrive List<EMMessage> msgs = conversation.getAllMessages(); List<String> friendsMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> orderUnBidMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> orderBidMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); String msgId; for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) { msgId = msgs.get(i).getMsgId(); String msgOrderId = null;// try { msgOrderId = (String) msgs.get(i).ext().get(EaseConstant.EXTRA_ORDER_ID); isbiddedMessage = (boolean) msgs.get(i).ext().get(EaseConstant.EXTRA_IS_BIDDED);// msgOrderId = msgs.get(i).getStringAttribute(EaseConstant.EXTRA_ORDER_ID);// } catch (HyphenateException e) {// e.printStackTrace();// } if (msgOrderId == null || msgOrderId.equals("")) { friendsMessageList.add(msgId); } else if (msgOrderId.equals(orderId)) { if (isbidded){ if (isbiddedMessage){ orderBidMessageList.add(msgId); } }else { if (!isbiddedMessage){ orderUnBidMessageList.add(msgId); } } } } if (orderId == null) { msgs1 = conversation.loadMessages(friendsMessageList); } else { if (isbidded){ msgs1 = conversation.loadMessages(orderBidMessageList); }else { msgs1 = conversation.loadMessages(orderUnBidMessageList); } } messages = msgs1.toArray(new EMMessage[msgs1.size()]); conversation.markAllMessagesAsRead(); notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public void handleMessage(android.os.Message message) { switch (message.what) { case HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST: refreshList(); break; case HANDLER_MESSAGE_SELECT_LAST: if (messages.length > 0) { listView.setSelection(messages.length - 1); } break; case HANDLER_MESSAGE_SEEK_TO: int position = message.arg1; listView.setSelection(position); break; default: break; } } }; public void refresh() { if (handler.hasMessages(HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST)) { return; } android.os.Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST); handler.sendMessage(msg); } /** * refresh and select the last */ public void refreshSelectLast() { final int TIME_DELAY_REFRESH_SELECT_LAST = 100; handler.removeMessages(HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST); handler.removeMessages(HANDLER_MESSAGE_SELECT_LAST); handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST, TIME_DELAY_REFRESH_SELECT_LAST); handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(HANDLER_MESSAGE_SELECT_LAST, TIME_DELAY_REFRESH_SELECT_LAST); } /** * refresh and seek to the position */ public void refreshSeekTo(int position) { handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(HANDLER_MESSAGE_REFRESH_LIST)); android.os.Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(HANDLER_MESSAGE_SEEK_TO); msg.arg1 = position; handler.sendMessage(msg); } public EMMessage getItem(int position) { if (messages != null && position < messages.length) { return messages[position]; } return null; } public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } /** * get count of messages */ public int getCount() { return messages == null ? 0 : messages.length; } /** * get number of message type, here 14 = (EMMessage.Type) * 2 */ public int getViewTypeCount() { if (customRowProvider != null && customRowProvider.getCustomChatRowTypeCount() > 0) { return customRowProvider.getCustomChatRowTypeCount() + 16; } return 16; } /** * get type of item */ public int getItemViewType(int position) { EMMessage message = getItem(position); if (message == null) { return -1; } if (customRowProvider != null && customRowProvider.getCustomChatRowType(message) > 0) { return customRowProvider.getCustomChatRowType(message) + 13; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.TXT) { if (message.getBooleanAttribute(EaseConstant.MESSAGE_ATTR_IS_BIG_EXPRESSION, false)) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_EXPRESSION : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_EXPRESSION; } try { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.getStringAttribute(EaseConstant.EXTRA_GROUP_CARD))){ return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_GROUP_CARD : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_GROUP_CARD; } } catch (HyphenateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_TXT : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_TXT; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.IMAGE) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_IMAGE : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_IMAGE; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.LOCATION) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_LOCATION : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_LOCATION; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.VOICE) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_VOICE : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_VOICE; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.VIDEO) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_VIDEO : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_VIDEO; } if (message.getType() == EMMessage.Type.FILE) { return message.direct() == EMMessage.Direct.RECEIVE ? MESSAGE_TYPE_RECV_FILE : MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT_FILE; } return -1;// invalid } protected EaseChatRow createChatRow(Context context, EMMessage message, int position) { EaseChatRow chatRow = null; if (customRowProvider != null && customRowProvider.getCustomChatRow(message, position, this) != null) { return customRowProvider.getCustomChatRow(message, position, this); } message.ext().put(EaseConstant.EXTRA_IS_TRUENAME, isTrueName); switch (message.getType()) { case TXT: if (message.getBooleanAttribute(EaseConstant.MESSAGE_ATTR_IS_BIG_EXPRESSION, false)) { chatRow = new EaseChatRowBigExpression(context, message, position, this); } else { try { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(message.getStringAttribute(EaseConstant.EXTRA_GROUP_CARD))) { chatRow = new EaseChatRowText(context, message, position, this); }else { chatRow = new GroupCardChatRow(context, message, position, this); } } catch (HyphenateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); chatRow = new EaseChatRowText(context, message, position, this); } } break; case LOCATION: chatRow = new EaseChatRowLocation(context, message, position, this); break; case FILE: chatRow = new EaseChatRowFile(context, message, position, this); break; case IMAGE: chatRow = new EaseChatRowImage(context, message, position, this); break; case VOICE: chatRow = new EaseChatRowVoice(context, message, position, this); break; case VIDEO: chatRow = new EaseChatRowVideo(context, message, position, this); break; default: break; } return chatRow; } @SuppressLint("NewApi") public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { EMMessage message = getItem(position); if (convertView == null) { convertView = createChatRow(context, message, position); } //refresh ui with messages ((EaseChatRow) convertView).setUpView(message, position, itemClickListener, isTrueName, isBidTureName, type); return convertView; } public String getToChatUsername() { return toChatUsername; } public void setShowUserNick(boolean showUserNick) { this.showUserNick = showUserNick; } public void setShowAvatar(boolean showAvatar) { this.showAvatar = showAvatar; } public void setMyBubbleBg(Drawable myBubbleBg) { this.myBubbleBg = myBubbleBg; } public void setOtherBuddleBg(Drawable otherBuddleBg) { this.otherBuddleBg = otherBuddleBg; } public void setItemClickListener(MessageListItemClickListener listener) { itemClickListener = listener; } public void setCustomChatRowProvider(EaseCustomChatRowProvider rowProvider) { customRowProvider = rowProvider; } public boolean isShowUserNick() { return showUserNick; } public boolean isShowAvatar() { return showAvatar; } public Drawable getMyBubbleBg() { return myBubbleBg; } public Drawable getOtherBuddleBg() { return otherBuddleBg; } }
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