1. 快速边缘保留滤波
@Override public ImageProcessor filter(ImageProcessor src) { // initialization parameters int width = src.getWidth(); int height = src.getHeight(); xr = yr = (int)(Math.max(width, height) * 0.02); sigma = 10 + sigma * sigma * 5; // start ep process byte[] output = new byte[width*height]; IntIntegralImage ii = new IntIntegralImage(); for(int i=0; i<src.getChannels(); i++) { System.arraycopy(src.toByte(i), 0, output, 0, output.length); ii.setImage(src.toByte(i)); ii.process(width, height, true); processSingleChannel(width, height, ii, output); System.arraycopy(output, 0, src.toByte(i), 0, output.length); } // release memory output = null; return src; } public void processSingleChannel(int width, int height, IntIntegralImage input, byte[] output) { float sigma2 = sigma*sigma; int offset = 0; int wy = (yr * 2 + 1); int wx = (xr * 2 + 1); int size = wx * wy; int r = 0; for (int row = yr; row < height-yr; row++) { offset = row * width; for (int col = xr; col < width-xr; col++) { int sr = input.getBlockSum(col, row, wy, wx); float a = input.getBlockSquareSum(col, row, wy, wx); float b = sr / size; float c = (a - (sr*sr)/size)/size; float d = c / (c+sigma2); r = (int)((1-d)*b + d*r); output[offset + col] = (byte)Tools.clamp(r); } } }
其中,IntIntegralImage封装了积分图像的算法,具体可以查看 cv4j 中的实现。
2. 皮肤检测
R>95 And G>40 And B>20 And R>G And R>B And Max(R,G,B)-Min(R,G,B)>15 And Abs(R-G)>15
public class DefaultSkinDetection implements ISkinDetection{// RGB Color model pixel skin detection method// (R, G, B) is classified as skin if:// R > 95 and G > 40 and B > 20 and// max(R, G, B) - min(R, G, B) > 15 and// |R-G| > 15 and R > G and R > B//=============================================== @Override public boolean findSkin(int tr, int tg, int tb) { return isSkin(tr, tg, tb); } @Override public boolean isSkin(int tr, int tg, int tb) { int max = Math.max(tr, Math.max(tg, tb)); int min = Math.min(tr, Math.min(tg, tb)); int rg = Math.abs(tr - tg); if(tr > 95 && tg > 40 && tb > 20 && rg > 15 && (max - min) > 15 && tr > tg && tr > tb) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
3. 梯度滤波
4. BeautySkinFilter
结合以上三步,在 cv4j 中实现人脸磨皮的滤镜BeautySkinFilter
package com.cv4j.core.filters;import com.cv4j.core.datamodel.ByteProcessor;import com.cv4j.core.datamodel.ImageProcessor;/** * Created by gloomy fish on 2017/4/23. */public class BeautySkinFilter implements CommonFilter { @Override public ImageProcessor filter(ImageProcessor src) { int width = src.getWidth(); int height = src.getHeight(); byte[] R = new byte[width*height]; byte[] G = new byte[width*height]; byte[] B = new byte[width*height]; System.arraycopy(src.toByte(0), 0, R, 0, R.length); System.arraycopy(src.toByte(1), 0, G, 0, G.length); System.arraycopy(src.toByte(2), 0, B, 0, B.length); FastEPFilter epFilter = new FastEPFilter(); epFilter.filter(src); ISkinDetection skinDetector = new DefaultSkinDetection(); int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; for(int i=0; i<R.length; i++) { r = R[i]&0xff; g = G[i]&0xff; b = B[i]&0xff; if(!skinDetector.isSkin(r, g, b)) { src.toByte(0)[i] = (byte)r; src.toByte(1)[i] = (byte)g; src.toByte(2)[i] = (byte)b; } } byte[] gray = new byte[width*height]; int c = 0; for(int i=0; i<R.length; i++) { r = R[i] & 0xff; g = G[i] & 0xff; b = B[i] & 0xff; c = (int)(0.299 *r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b); gray[i] = (byte)c; } GradientFilter gradientFilter = new GradientFilter(); int[] gradient = gradientFilter.gradient(new ByteProcessor(gray, width, height)); gray = null; for(int i=0; i<R.length; i++) { r = R[i]&0xff; g = G[i]&0xff; b = B[i]&0xff; if(gradient[i] > 50) { src.toByte(0)[i] = (byte)r; src.toByte(1)[i] = (byte)g; src.toByte(2)[i] = (byte)b; } } return src; } }
5. 最终效果
RxImageData.bitmap(bitmap).addFilter(new BeautySkinFilter()).into(image1);
来看看在 Android 上的最终效果:
cv4j 是gloomyfish和我一起开发的图像处理库,纯java实现,目前还处于早期的版本。这次的人脸磨皮算法也还有改进空间,未来我们还会继续优化该算法。