
【备战春招】第5天 破解JavaScript高级玩法 第十二讲


课程名称:** 破解JavaScript高级玩法

课程章节: 玩转客户端存储

主讲老师: Cloud





12.1 心得:


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 * 编码 -方便后续替换编解码方法
 * @param {any} s 
 * @returns 
function encode(s) {
    return  encodeURIComponent(s);
 * 解码-方便后续替换编解码方法
 * @param {any} s 
 * @returns 
function decode(s) {
    return  decodeURIComponent(s);

 * 获取cookie
 * @param {any} key 
 * @returns 
function getCookieItem(key) {
    let result = key ? undefined : {},
        cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [],
        i = 0,
        l = cookies.length;
    for (; i < l; i++) {
        let parts = cookies[i].split("="),
            name = decode(parts.shift()),
            cookie = parts.join("=");

        if (key === name) {
            result = decode(cookie);

        if (!key && cookie !== undefined) {
            //key 未定义,返回全部的key和value对象
            result[name] = decode(cookie);
    return result;

 * 设置cookie
 * @param {any} key 
 * @param {any} value 
 * @param {any} [options={}] 
 * @returns 
function setCookieItem(key, value, options={}) {
    if(!key) return false;

    let sExpires = "";
    if (options.expires) {
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          sExpires = "; expires=" + options.expires.toUTCString();

    window.document.cookie = [
        options.path ? "; path=" + options.path : "",
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        options.secure ? "; secure" : ""
    return true;

 * 移除单个cookie字段
 * @param {any} key 
 * @param {any} options 
 * @returns 
function removeCookieItem(key, options) {
    setCookieItem(key, "", { ...options, expires: -1 });
    return !getCookieItem(key);


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    <button id="btnAdd">添加数据</button>
    <button id="btnQuery">查询数据</button>
    // https://github.com/mdn/indexeddb-examples/blob/master/idbkeyrange/scripts/main.js
    var db;
    var things = [
      { fThing: "Drum kit", fRating: 10 },
      { fThing: "Family", fRating: 10 },
      { fThing: "Batman", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Brass eye", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "The web", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Mozilla", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Firefox OS", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Curry", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Paneer cheese", fRating: 8 },
      { fThing: "Mexican food", fRating: 8 },
      { fThing: "Chocolate", fRating: 7 },
      { fThing: "Heavy metal", fRating: 10 },
      { fThing: "Monty Python", fRating: 8 },
      { fThing: "Aphex Twin", fRating: 8 },
      { fThing: "Gaming", fRating: 7 },
      { fThing: "Frank Zappa", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Open minds", fRating: 10 },
      { fThing: "Hugs", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Ale", fRating: 9 },
      { fThing: "Christmas", fRating: 8 },

    // 插入数据
    function insertData() {
      // 事务
      var transaction = db.transaction(["fThings"], "readwrite");
      // 对象库
      var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("fThings");
      // 添加数据
      for (i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {
        var request = objectStore.put(things[i]);
      // 成功的回调
      transaction.oncomplete = function () {
        console.log("insert data success");

    // 我们先打开一个数据库, window.indexedDB(IDBFactory)
    const openRequest = window.indexedDB.open("fThings", 1);
    // 升级的时候创建对象库和对应的索引
    openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
      var db = event.target.result;
      db.onerror = function (event) {
        console.log("Error loading database");
      var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("fThings", {
        keyPath: "fThing",
      objectStore.createIndex("fRating", "fRating", { unique: false });

    openRequest.onerror = function (event) {
      console.log("open error:", event);

    openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
      console.log("open success");
      // 获得database
      db = event.target.result;

    btnQuery.onclick = function () {
      // 事务
      const transaction = db.transaction(["fThings"], "readonly");
      // 对象库
      const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("fThings");
      // 键
      const keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound("A", "F");
      // 游标
      objectStore.openCursor(keyRangeValue).onsuccess = function (event) {
        var cursor = event.target.result;
        if (cursor) {
          console.log("value:", cursor.value);
        } else {
          console.log("Entries all displayed.");

    btnAdd.onclick = insertData;




(function () {
    const FILE_ERROR = {
        INITIALIZE_FAILED: '文件系统初始化失败',
        FILE_EXISTED: '文件已存在',
        Directory_EXISTED: '目录已存在',
        ONLY_FILE_WRITE: '只有文件才能写入',
        NOT_ENTRY: '不是有效的Entry对象',
        INVALID_PATH: '文件或者目录不能包含\\/:*?"<>|'
    const DIR_SEPARATOR = '/'
    const DIR_OPEN_BOUND = String.fromCharCode(DIR_SEPARATOR.charCodeAt(0) + 1)

     * https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000007499416
     * Promise for forEach
     * @param {*数组} arr 
     * @param {*回调} cb(val)返回的应该是Promise 
     * @param {*是否需要执行结果集} needResults
    const promiseForEach = function promiseForEach(arr, cb, needResults) {
        const realResult = []
        let result = Promise.resolve()
        Array.from(arr).forEach((val, index) => {
            result = result.then(() => {
                return cb(val, index).then((res) => {
                    needResults && realResult.push(res)
        return needResults ? result.then(() => realResult) : result

    const URLUtil = {
        _pathBlackList: /[\\:*?"<>|]/,
        // from https://github.com/ebidel/idb.filesystem.js/blob/master/src/idb.filesystem.js
        // When saving an entry, the fullPath should always lead with a slash and never
        // end with one (e.g. a directory). Also, resolve '.' and '..' to an absolute
        // one. This method ensures path is legit!
        resolveToFullPath(cwdFullPath, path) {
            let fullPath = path

            const relativePath = path[0] != DIR_SEPARATOR
            if (relativePath) {
                fullPath = cwdFullPath + DIR_SEPARATOR + path

            // Normalize '.'s,  '..'s and '//'s.
            const parts = fullPath.split(DIR_SEPARATOR)
            const finalParts = []
            for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
                const part = parts[i]
                if (part === '..') {
                    // Go up one level.
                    if (!finalParts.length) {
                        throw Error('Invalid path')
                } else if (part === '.') {
                    // Skip over the current directory.
                } else if (part !== '') {
                    // Eliminate sequences of '/'s as well as possible leading/trailing '/'s.

            fullPath = DIR_SEPARATOR + finalParts.join(DIR_SEPARATOR)

            // fullPath is guaranteed to be normalized by construction at this point:
            // '.'s, '..'s, '//'s will never appear in it.

            return fullPath

        isValidatedPath(path) {
            return this._pathBlackList.test(path) ? false : true

    class FileError {
        constructor({ code = 999, message = '未知错误' } = { code: 999, message: '未知错误' }) {
            this.code = code
            this.message = message

    class Metadata {
        constructor(modificationTime, size) {
            this.modificationTime = modificationTime
            this.size = size
    class FSFile {
        constructor(name, size, type, lastModifiedDate, blob) {
            this.name = name
            this.size = size
            this.type = type
            this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate
            this.blob = blob
    const ReaderUtil = {
        read(blob, method) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                const reader = new FileReader()
                const ps = [].slice.call(arguments, 2)
                reader[method].apply(reader, ps)
                reader.onload = function () {
                    return resolve(reader.result)
                reader.onerror = function (err) {
                    return reject(err)
                reader.onabort = function () {
                    return reject(new Error('读取被中断'))
        readAsArrayBuffer(blob) {
            return this.read(blob, 'readAsArrayBuffer')
        readAsBinaryString(blob) {
            return this.read(blob, 'readAsBinaryString')
        readAsDataURL(blob) {
            return this.read(blob, 'readAsDataURL')
        readAsText(blob, encoding = 'gb2312') {
            return this.read(blob, 'readAsText', encoding)

    const NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR = new FileError({
        code: 1000,
        message: '方法未实现'
        NOT_SUPPORTED = new Error('浏览器不支持改功能')

    const Utils = {
        contentToBlob(content, type = 'text/plain') {
            let blob
            // 不是blob,转为blob
            if (content instanceof Blob) {
                blob = content
            } else if (content instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(content)], { type })
            } else if (typeof content === 'string') {
                blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/plain' })
            } else {
                blob = new Blob([content], { type })
            return blob

    class Entry {
        constructor(isFile = true, isDirectory = false, name, fullPath) {
            this.isFile = isFile
            this.isDirectory = isDirectory
            this.name = name
            this.fullPath = fullPath
            this.metadata = {
                lastModifiedDate: new Date(),
                size: 0

         * 获取元数据 done
        getMetadata() {
            return this._dispatch('getMetadata')

        moveTo() {
            throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR
            //this._dispatch('moveTo', [...arguments])

        copyTo() {
            throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR
            // this._dispatch('copyTo', [...arguments])

        toURL() {
            return this._dispatch('toURL')

         * 删除  done
        remove() {
            return this._dispatch('remove')

         * 获得父目录 done
        getParent() {
            return this._dispatch('getParent')

    Entry.prototype._dispatch = function (method, ...args) {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            if (FileSystem._instance) {
                return resolve(FileSystem._instance._provider[method](this, ...args))
            return FileSystem.getInstance().then(fs => {
                FileSystem._instance = fs
                return resolve(FileSystem._instance._provider[method](this, ...args))


    Entry.copyFrom = function (entry) {
        const en = entry.isFile ? new FileEntry(entry.name, entry.fullPath, entry.file) :
            new DirectoryEntry(entry.name, entry.fullPath)
        en.metadata = entry.metadata
        return en

    class FileEntry extends Entry {
        constructor(name, fullPath, file) {
            super(true, false, name, fullPath)
            this.file = file
         * FileEntry写入数据 done
         * @param {Blob|String|BufferArray} content 
         * @param {String} type 
         * @param {Boolean} append 
        write(content, type = 'text/plain', append = false) {
            if (!append) {
                return this._dispatch('write', content, type, append)
            return this.append(content)

        append(content) {
            return this.getBlob().then(function (blob) {
                return this.write(new Blob([blob, Utils.contentToBlob(content, blob.type)]))

        getBlob() {
            return this._dispatch('getBlob')

        readAsArrayBuffer() {
            return this._dispatch('readFile', 'readAsArrayBuffer')

        readAsBinaryString() {
            return this._dispatch('readFile', 'readAsBinaryString')

        readAsDataURL() {
            return this._dispatch('readFile', 'readAsDataURL')

        readAsText(encoding = 'utf-8') {
            return this._dispatch('readFile', 'readAsText', encoding)

    class DirectoryEntry extends Entry {
        constructor(name, fullPath) {
            super(false, true, name, fullPath)

         * 获取文件 done
         * @param {String} path 路径
         * @param {Object} options  create:是否创建 , exclusive 排他
        getFile(path, options = { create: true, exclusive: false }) {
            if (!URLUtil.isValidatedPath(path)) {
                return Promise.reject(FILE_ERROR.INVALID_PATH)
            return this._dispatch('getFile', path, options)

         * 获取目录 done
         * @param {String} path 
         * @param {Object} options 
        getDirectory(path, options = { create: true, exclusive: false }) {
            if (!URLUtil.isValidatedPath(path)) {
                return Promise.reject(FILE_ERROR.INVALID_PATH)
            return this._dispatch('getDirectory', path, options)

         * 递归删除 done
        remove() {
            return this._dispatch('removeRecursively')

         * 获取目录下的目录和文件
        getEntries() {
            return this._dispatch('getEntries')

        ensureDirectory(path) {
            return this._dispatch('ensureDirectory', path)

    class FileSystem {
        constructor() {
            // 实例
            this._instance = null
            // root
            this.root = null
            this._provider = null

        static getInstance(dbVersion = 1.0) {
            if (!FileSystem.isSupported) {
                throw NOT_SUPPORTED
            if (this._instance) {
                return Promise.resolve(this._instance)
            return IndexedDBProvider.getInstance(dbVersion, FileSystem._dbName, FileSystem._storeName).then(provider => {
                this._instance = new FileSystem()
                this._instance._provider = provider
                this._instance.root = new DirectoryEntry('/', '/')
                delete this._instance._instance
                return this._instance

    FileSystem._dbName = '_fs_db_'
    FileSystem._storeName = '_fs_store'

    class IndexedDBStoreFactory {
        static getInstance(dbVersion = 1.0, dbName, storeName) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                const request = self.indexedDB.open(dbName, dbVersion)
                request.onerror = () => {
                    return reject(null)
                request.onsuccess = () => {
                    const db = request.result
                    // 老版本,新版本是onupgradeneeded
                    if (db.setVersion && db.version !== dbVersion) {
                        const setVersion = db.setVersion(dbVersion)
                        setVersion.onsuccess = () => {
                            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(storeName)) {
                            return resolve(db)
                    } else {
                        return resolve(db)
                    return resolve(null)
                request.onupgradeneeded = event => {
                    const db = event.target.result
                    if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(storeName)) {

    class IndexedDBProvider {

        constructor(db, storeName) {
            this._db = db
            this._storeName = storeName

        static getInstance(dbVersion, dbName, storeName) {
            return IndexedDBStoreFactory
                .getInstance(dbVersion, dbName, storeName)
                .then(db => {
                    return new IndexedDBProvider(db, storeName)

        get transaction() {
            return this._db.transaction([this._storeName], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE || 'readwrite')

        _toPromise(method, ...args) {
            try {
                let suc
                if (args.length >= 1 && typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
                    suc = args[args.length - 1]
                    args = args.slice(0, args.length - 1)

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    // 获得事务
                    const trans = this.transaction
                    // 获得请求
                    const req = trans.objectStore(this._storeName)[method](...args)
                    if (['openCursor', 'openKeyCursor'].indexOf(method) >= 0 && suc) {

                        req.onsuccess = function (event) {
                        trans.oncomplete = function () {
                            return resolve()
                        trans.onsuccess = function () {
                            return resolve()
                    else {
                        // 如果是onsuccess 就返回,只表示请求成功,当大文件存储的时候,并不是已经写入完毕才返回
                        //req.onsuccess = event => resolve(event.target.result)
                        trans.oncomplete = function () {
                            return resolve(req.result)
                        trans.onsuccess = function () {
                            return resolve(req.result)
                    // 请求失败
                    req.onerror = () => reject(req.error)
                    // 事务失败
                    trans.onerror = () => reject(trans.error)
            } catch (err) {
                return Promise.reject(err)

        /**         * 
         * @param {Entry} entry 
         * @param {写入的内容} content 
         * @param {blob类型} type 
         * @param {是否是append模式} append 
        write(entry, content, type = 'text/plain') {
            if (entry.isFile !== true) {
                throw new FileError({ message: FILE_ERROR.ONLY_FILE_WRITE })
            let data = Utils.contentToBlob(content, type)
            let file = entry.file
            if (!file) {
                // 不存在创建
                file = new FSFile(entry.fullPath.split(DIR_SEPARATOR).pop(), data.size, type, new Date(), data)
                entry.metadata.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate
                entry.metadata.size = data.size
                entry.file = file
            } else {
                file.lastModifiedDate = new Date()
                file.type = type
                file.size = data.size
                file.blob = data
                entry.metadata.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate
                entry.metadata.size = data.size

            return this._toPromise('put', entry, entry.fullPath).then(() => entry)

         * @param {Entry} entry 
         * @param {String} path 
         * @param {Object} create 是否创建  exclusive排他
        getFile(entry, path, { create, exclusive }) {
            return this.getEntry(...arguments, true)

        getDirectory(entry, path, { create, exclusive }) {
            return this.getEntry(...arguments, false)

        remove(entry) {
            return this._toPromise('delete', entry.fullPath).then(() => true)

        removeRecursively(entry) {
            const range = IDBKeyRange.bound(entry.fullPath, entry.fullPath + DIR_OPEN_BOUND, false, true)
            return this._toPromise('delete', range).then(() => true)

         * 获得元数据
         * @param {Entry} entry 
        getMetadata(entry) {
            const f = entry.file || {}
            return new Metadata(f && f.lastModifiedDate || null, f && f.size || 0)

         * 获取文件或者目录
         * @param {Entry} entry 
         * @param {String} path 
         * @param {String} param2 
         * @param {Boolean} getFile true获取文件 false 获取目录
        getEntry(entry, path, { create, exclusive = false }, getFile = true) {
            if (path === DIR_SEPARATOR) {
                // 如果获取'/'直接返回当前目录
                return entry
            path = URLUtil.resolveToFullPath(entry.fullPath, path)
            return this._toPromise('get', path).then(fe => {
                if (create === true && exclusive === true && fe) {
                    //创建 && 排他 && 存在
                    throw new FileError({
                        message: getFile ? FILE_ERROR.FILE_EXISTED : FILE_ERROR.Directory_EXISTED
                } else if (create === true && !fe) {
                    //创建 && 文件不存在
                    const name = path.split(DIR_SEPARATOR).pop(),
                        newEntry = getFile ? new FileEntry(name, path) : new DirectoryEntry(name, path),
                        fileE = getFile ? new FSFile(name, 0, null, new Date(), null) : null
                    if (getFile) newEntry.file = fileE
                    return this._toPromise('put', newEntry, newEntry.fullPath).then(() => {
                        return Entry.copyFrom(newEntry)
                } else if (!create && !fe) {
                    // 不创建 && 文件不存在
                    return null
                } else if (fe && fe.isDirectory && getFile || fe && fe.isFile && !getFile) {
                    // 不创建 && entry存在 && 是目录 && 获取文件 || 不创建 && entry存在 && 是文件 && 获取目录
                    throw new FileError({
                        code: 1001,
                        message: getFile ? FILE_ERROR.Directory_EXISTED : FILE_ERROR.FILE_EXISTED
                } else {
                    return Entry.copyFrom(fe)

         * 获得父目录
         * @param {Entry} entry 
        getParent(entry) {
            // 已经是根目录
            if (entry.fullPath === DIR_SEPARATOR) {
                return entry
            const parentFullPath = entry.fullPath.substring(0, entry.fullPath.lastIndexOf(DIR_SEPARATOR))
            if (parentFullPath === '') {
                return this.root
            return this.getDirectory(this.root, parentFullPath, { create: false }, false)

         * 获得目录下的目录和文件
         * @param {Entry} entry 
        getEntries(entry) {
            let range = null,
                results = []
            if (entry.fullPath != DIR_SEPARATOR && entry.fullPath != '') {
                range = IDBKeyRange.bound(
                    entry.fullPath + DIR_SEPARATOR, entry.fullPath + DIR_OPEN_BOUND, false, true)
            let valPartsLen, fullPathPartsLen
            return this._toPromise('openCursor', range, function (event) {
                const cursor = event.target.result
                if (cursor) {
                    const val = cursor.value
                    valPartsLen = val.fullPath.split(DIR_SEPARATOR).length
                    fullPathPartsLen = entry.fullPath.split(DIR_SEPARATOR).length
                    if (val.fullPath !== DIR_SEPARATOR) {
                        // 区分根目录和非根目录
                        if (entry.fullPath === DIR_SEPARATOR && valPartsLen < fullPathPartsLen + 1 ||
                            entry.fullPath !== DIR_SEPARATOR && valPartsLen === fullPathPartsLen + 1) {
                            results.push(val.isFile ? new FileEntry(val.name, val.fullPath, val.file) : new DirectoryEntry(val.name, val.fullPath))
            }).then(() => results)

        toURL(entry) {
            if (entry.file && entry.file.blob) {
                return URL.createObjectURL(entry.file.blob)
            return null

        readFile(entry, method, ...args) {
            if (entry.file && entry.file.blob) {
                return ReaderUtil.read(entry.file.blob, method, ...args)
            return null

        getBlob(entry) {
            if (entry.file && entry.file.blob) {
                return entry.file.blob
            return null

         * 检查Entry
         * @param {*Entry} entry 
        _checkEntry(entry) {
            if (!entry || !(entry instanceof Entry)) {
                throw new FileError({ message: FILE_ERROR.NOT_ENTRY })

         * @param {Entry} entry 
         * @param {path} path 
        ensureDirectory(entry, path) {
            if (path === DIR_SEPARATOR) {
                // 如果获取'/'直接返回当前目录
                return entry
            const rPath = URLUtil.resolveToFullPath(entry.fullPath, path)
            if (rPath.length < path.length) {
                return entry
            path = rPath.substring(entry.fullPath.length)
            const dirs = path.split(DIR_SEPARATOR)
            return promiseForEach(dirs, (dir, index) => {
                return entry.getDirectory(dirs.slice(0, index + 1).join('/'), { create: true })
            }, true).then((dirEntes) => {
                return dirEntes && dirEntes[dirEntes.length - 1]
            }).catch(err => { throw err })

    FileSystem.isSupported = () => {
        self.indexedDB_ = self.indexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB
        self.IDBTransaction = self.IDBTransaction || self.webkitIDBTransaction || self.msIDBTransaction
        self.IDBKeyRange = self.IDBKeyRange || self.webkitIDBKeyRange || self.msIDBKeyRange
        return !!(self.indexedDB && self.IDBTransaction && self.IDBKeyRange)

    self.URLUtil = URLUtil
    self.ReaderUtil = ReaderUtil
    self.Entry = Entry
    self.FileEntry = FileEntry
    self.DirectoryEntry = DirectoryEntry
    self.FileSystem = FileSystem



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