* Determine if it's a necessary presence validation.
* This is to avoid possible database type comparison errors.
* @param string $rule
* @param string $attribute
* @return bool
protected function hasNotFailedPreviousRuleIfPresenceRule($rule, $attribute)
{//this function name it is to long
//but can tell all about this function action
// determine it is has not failed previousRule if Presence Rule
return in_array($rule, ['Unique', 'Exists'])
? ! $this->messages->has($attribute) : true;
// if this rule is unique or exists, we need determine this attribute other wo just return it it ok!
}// determine if it is necessary presence validation
* Add a failed rule and error message to the collection.
* @param string $attribute
* @param string $rule
* @param array $parameters
* @return void
protected function addFailure($attribute, $rule, $parameters)
$this->addError($attribute, $rule, $parameters);//add Error message
$this->failedRules[$attribute][$rule] = $parameters;// insert this parameters into this failed Rules
}// add a failed rule and error message into this collection
* Add an error message to the validator's collection of messages.
* @param string $attribute
* @param string $rule
* @param array $parameters
* @return void
protected function addError($attribute, $rule, $parameters)
$message = $this->getMessage($attribute, $rule);//first ,get all message about this rule
$message = $this->doReplacements($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters);// change this message into this right format message
$this->messages->add($attribute, $message);// add it to this attribute
}// this is a small wrap about addFailed rule
* "Validate" optional attributes.
* Always returns true, just lets us put sometimes in rules.
* @return bool
protected function validateSometimes()
return true;
}// Validate optional attributes.
// return true;
* "Break" on first validation fail.
* Always returns true, just lets us put "bail" in rules.
* @return bool
protected function validateBail()
return true;
}// just return ok, in this break type
* Stop on error if "bail" rule is assigned and attribute has a message.
* @param string $attribute
* @return bool
protected function shouldStopValidating($attribute)
if (! $this->hasRule($attribute, ['Bail'])) {
return false;
}// no Bail switch no true,just return false,
return $this->messages->has($attribute);// if has it,just return this message.
}// determine this Bail messages
* Validate that a required attribute exists.
* @param string $attribute
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
protected function validateRequired($attribute, $value)
if (is_null($value)) {// no $value no ture
return false;
} elseif (is_string($value) && trim($value) === '') {
return false;// a null string just return false
} elseif ((is_array($value) || $value instanceof Countable) && count($value) < 1) {
return false;// array or a structural and no value in this structural
} elseif ($value instanceof File) {// if a file
return (string) $value->getPath() != '';// can't be null
//in the end, we will found only this value parameters has value whatever it is,just return true.
return true;
}//Validate a required attribute is exists
* Validate the given attribute is filled if it is present.
* @param string $attribute
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
protected function validateFilled($attribute, $value)
if (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->data) || array_key_exists($attribute, $this->files)) {
return $this->validateRequired($attribute, $value);// a filled just a required wrap
}// two type
return true;// normal it is true
}// present : now
// means this attribute just has a value
* Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.
* @param array $attributes
* @return bool
protected function anyFailingRequired(array $attributes)
foreach ($attributes as $key) {
if (! $this->validateRequired($key, $this->getValue($key))) {
return true;
}// same to ditto
// ues a loop about this attribute
return false;
}//Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.
* Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test.
* @param array $attributes
* @return bool
protected function allFailingRequired(array $attributes)
foreach ($attributes as $key) {
if ($this->validateRequired($key, $this->getValue($key))) {
return false;
return true;
}// all Fail just any ,the same , fool or stupid ?