## Repository interface Repository is the core interface in Spring Data. There is no method in this interface. The first generic parameter is the Entity Class that we want to operate. The second parameter is the Id of the first parameter. We can also use @RepositoryDefinition instead of extending this interface. For example: ```java @RepositoryDefinition(domainClass = Employee.class, idClass = Integer.class) public interface EmployeeRepository { public Employee findByName(String name); } ``` ## The interfaces that extend Repository * Tips: press Ctrl + t can go to the subclasses. Inheritance tree: ``` Repository CrudRepository (save, findOne, exists, findAll, count, delete, deleteAll) PagingAndSortingRepository (findAll-sort, findAll-pageable) JpaRepository (findAll, findAll-sort, findAll-ids, save-entities, flush, getOne) ``` ## Naming rules * findByLastnameAndFirstname * findByLastnameOrFirstname * findByStartDateBetween * findByAgeLessThan * findByAgeGreaterThan * findByStartDateAfter * findByStartDateBefore * findByAgeIsNull * findByAgeIsNotNull * findByFirstnameLike * findByFirstnameNotLike * findByFirstnameStartingWith * findByFirstnameEndingWith * findByFirstnameContaining * findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc * findByLastnameNot * findByAgeIn * findByAgeNotIn * findByActiveTrue * findByActiveFalse ```java public interface EmployeeRepository extends Repository<Employee, Integer> { public Employee findByName(String name); public List<Employee> findByNameStartingWithAndAgeLessThan(String name, Integer age); public List<Employee> findByNameEndingWithAndAgeLessThan(String name, Integer age); public List<Employee> findByNameInOrAgeLessThan(List<String> names, Integer age); public List<Employee> findByNameInAndAgeLessThan(List<String> names, Integer age); } ``` ## @Query We can also write our own customized SQL statement instead of following the naming rules above. ```java @Query("select o from Employee o where id=(select max(id) from Employee t1)") public Employee getEmployeeByMaxId(); @Query("select o from Employee o where o.name=?1 and o.age=?2") public List<Employee> queryParams1(String name, Integer age); @Query("select o from Employee o where o.name=:name and o.age=:age") public List<Employee> queryParams2(@Param("name")String name, @Param("age")Integer age); @Query("select o from Employee o where o.name like %?1%") public List<Employee> queryLike1(String name); @Query("select o from Employee o where o.name like %:name%") public List<Employee> queryLike2(@Param("name")String name); @Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "select count(1) from employee") public long getCount(); ``` ## Transaction If we want to insert, update or delete an item in the table, we must put the methods in a transaction. A transaction is usually done in a service method. ```java @Service public class EmployeeService { @Autowired private EmployeeRepository employeeRepository; @Transactional public void update(Integer id, Integer age){ employeeRepository.update(id, age); } } ``` Notice that we added the @Transactional on the update method. Additionally, we need to @Modifying on our query method in the repository interface. ```java @Modifying @Query("update Employee o set o.age = :age where o.id =:id") public void update(@Param("id")Integer id, @Param("age")Integer age); ``` ## CrudRepository CrudRepository extends Repository interface and has more methods. To use it, we simply create our repository interface and extends CrudRepository. ```java public interface EmployeeCrudRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Integer> { } ``` Then, inject this repository into the service class. All the methods defined in this interface can be used directly. ```java @Autowired private EmployeeCrudRepository employeeCrudRepository; @Transactional public void saveAll(List<Employee> employees){ employeeCrudRepository.saveAll(employees); } ``` ## PagingAndSortingRepository PagingAndSortingRepository extends CrudRepository and supports paging and sorting. It has two useful methods, findAll(Sort sort), findAll(Pageable pageable). ```java public interface EmployeePagingAndSoringRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Employee, Integer> { } ``` First create a pageRequest. Use it to find a Page object. ```java @Test public void testPage(){ PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 5); Page<Employee> employeePage = employeePagingAndSoringRepository.findAll(pageRequest); System.out.println("Total pages = " + employeePage.getTotalPages()); System.out.println("Total elements = " + employeePage.getTotalElements()); System.out.println("Current page number = " + employeePage.getNumber() + 1); System.out.println("Content of current page = " + employeePage.getContent()); System.out.println("Number of elements of current page = " + employeePage.getNumberOfElements()); } @Test public void testPageAndSort(){ Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "id"); PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 5, sort); Page<Employee> employeePage = employeePagingAndSoringRepository.findAll(pageRequest); System.out.println("Total pages = " + employeePage.getTotalPages()); System.out.println("Total elements = " + employeePage.getTotalElements()); System.out.println("Current page number = " + employeePage.getNumber() + 1); System.out.println("Content of current page = " + employeePage.getContent()); System.out.println("Number of elements of current page = " + employeePage.getNumberOfElements()); } ``` ## JpaRepository JpaRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository. ```java public interface EmployeeJpaRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Integer> { } ``` ```java @Test public void findAllById(){ List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(); ids.add(99); List<Employee> employees = employeeJpaRepository.findAllById(ids); for (Employee employee : employees) { System.out.println(employee); } } @Test public void exists(){ Employee employee = new Employee("test97", 3); System.out.println(employeeJpaRepository.exists(Example.of(employee))); } ``` ## JpaSpecificationExecutor This interface has a filter beyond the interface above. We can implement this class besides JpaRepository. ```java public interface EmployeeJpaSpecificationExecutorRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Integer>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Employee> { } ``` For example, if we want to query all the employees whose age is greater than 50 and also sorting descending with paging. ```java @Test public void query(){ Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "id"); Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 5, sort); Specification<Employee> specification = new Specification<Employee>() { @Override public Predicate toPredicate(Root root, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) { Path path = root.get("age"); return criteriaBuilder.gt(path, 50); } }; Page<Employee> employeePage = employeeJpaSpecificationExecutorRepository.findAll(specification, pageable); System.out.println("Total pages = " + employeePage.getTotalPages()); System.out.println("Total elements = " + employeePage.getTotalElements()); System.out.println("Current page number = " + employeePage.getNumber() + 1); System.out.println("Content of current page = " + employeePage.getContent()); System.out.println("Number of elements of current page = " + employeePage.getNumberOfElements()); } ```