Anbox 的总体架构如 运行 Anbox 一文的相关内容所述,其运行时主要由两个分开的实例构成,容器管理器和会话管理器。anbox 用同一个可执行文件,在启动时通过不同的参数实现运行时执行两块完全不同的逻辑,完成容器管理和会话管理的任务。
在命令行中,为 anbox
可执行文件提供不同的 command
参数来确定具体执行什么样的实例。Anbox 通过同一个可执行文件,将多个功能完全不同的逻辑粘合起来。查看 anbox
的 help 信息,内容如下:
$ anbox helpNAME: anbox - anbox USAGE: anbox [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: help prints a short help message system-info Print various information about the system we're running on version print the version of the daemon session-manager Run the the anbox session manager launch Launch an Activity by sending an intent
可执行文件支持的 command
参数除了容器管理器的 container-manager
和会话管理器的 session-manager
,还包括 help
应用程序的 main()
函数(位于 anbox/src/main.cpp
int main(int argc, char **argv) { anbox::Daemon daemon; return daemon.Run(anbox::utils::collect_arguments(argc, argv)); }
在 main()
函数中,创建了 anbox::Daemon
对象,通过 anbox::utils::collect_arguments()
函数将 C 风格的命令行参数字符串数组,转为命令行参数的 std::string
定义(位于 anbox/src/anbox/utils.cpp
std::vector<std::string> collect_arguments(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector<std::string> result; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) result.push_back(argv[i]); return result; }
函数完成一个简单的命令行参数转发,实际的应用程序入口位于 anbox::Daemon
类,该类定义(位于 anbox/src/anbox/daemon.h
namespace anbox {class Daemon : public DoNotCopyOrMove { public: Daemon(); int Run(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments); private: cli::CommandWithSubcommands cmd; }; } // namespace anbox
这个类只有一个类型为 cli::CommandWithSubcommands
的成员变量 cmd
,用于组织 Anbox 支持的所有命令。
类的实现(位于 anbox/src/anbox/daemon.cpp
namespace anbox { Daemon::Daemon() : cmd{cli::Name{"anbox"}, cli::Usage{"anbox"}, cli::Description{"The Android in a Box runtime"}} { cmd.command(std::make_shared<cmds::Version>()) .command(std::make_shared<cmds::SessionManager>()) .command(std::make_shared<cmds::Launch>()) .command(std::make_shared<cmds::ContainerManager>()) .command(std::make_shared<cmds::SystemInfo>()); Log().Init(anbox::Logger::Severity::kWarning); const auto log_level = utils::get_env_value("ANBOX_LOG_LEVEL", ""); if (!log_level.empty() && !Log().SetSeverityFromString(log_level)) WARNING("Failed to set logging severity to '%s'", log_level); }int Daemon::Run(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments) try { auto argv = arguments; if (arguments.size() == 0) argv = {"run"}; return{std::cin, std::cout, argv}); } catch (std::exception &err) { ERROR("%s", err.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // namespace anbox
在 anbox::Daemon
类的构造函数中,收集支持的所有命令,并设置全局的日志等级,在 Run()
函数中,由标准输入流,标准输出流和参数数组构建 cli::Command::Context
传给 cli::CommandWithSubcommands
类的 run()
类的 run()
函数也一样,因而为 cli::CommandWithSubcommands
类的 run()
函数传递在栈上临时构造的 cli::Command::Context
Anbox 的设计通过组合模式来组织各个命令,相关各个类的类图如下:
Anbox Command Class Diagram
Anbox 的这些 Command
类的基类 anbox::cli::Command
定义(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.h
template <std::size_t max>class SizeConstrainedString { public: SizeConstrainedString(const std::string& s) : s{s} { if (s.size() > max) throw std::logic_error{"Max size exceeded " + std::to_string(max)}; } const std::string& as_string() const { return s; } operator std::string() const { return s; } private: std::string s; }; . . . . . .// We are imposing size constraints to ensure a consistent CLI layout.typedef SizeConstrainedString<20> Name;typedef SizeConstrainedString<60> Usage;typedef SizeConstrainedString<100> Description; . . . . . ./// @brief Command abstracts an individual command available from the daemon.class Command : public DoNotCopyOrMove { public: // Safe us some typing typedef std::shared_ptr<Command> Ptr; /// @brief FlagsMissing is thrown if at least one required flag is missing. struct FlagsMissing : public std::runtime_error { /// @brief FlagsMissing initializes a new instance. FlagsMissing(); }; /// @brief FlagsWithWrongValue is thrown if a value passed on the command line /// is invalid. struct FlagsWithInvalidValue : public std::runtime_error { /// @brief FlagsWithInvalidValue initializes a new instance. FlagsWithInvalidValue(); }; /// @brief Context bundles information passed to Command::run invocations. struct Context { std::istream& cin; ///< The std::istream that should be used for reading. std::ostream& cout; ///< The std::ostream that should be used for writing. std::vector<std::string> args; ///< The command line args. }; /// @brief name returns the Name of the command. virtual Name name() const; /// @brief usage returns a short usage string for the command. virtual Usage usage() const; /// @brief description returns a longer string explaining the command. virtual Description description() const; /// @brief hidden returns if the command is hidden from the user or not. virtual bool hidden() const; /// @brief run puts the command to execution. virtual int run(const Context& context) = 0; /// @brief help prints information about a command to out. virtual void help(std::ostream& out) = 0; protected: /// @brief Command initializes a new instance with the given name, usage and /// description. Command(const Name& name, const Usage& usage, const Description& description, bool hidden = false); /// @brief name adjusts the name of the command to n. // virtual void name(const Name& n); /// @brief usage adjusts the usage string of the comand to u. // virtual void usage(const Usage& u); /// @brief description adjusts the description string of the command to d. // virtual void description(const Description& d); private: Name name_; Usage usage_; Description description_; bool hidden_; };
和 Description
类实现(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.cpp
cli::Name cli::Command::name() const { return name_; } cli::Usage cli::Command::usage() const { return usage_; } cli::Description cli::Command::description() const { return description_; } bool cli::Command::hidden() const { return hidden_; } cli::Command::Command(const cli::Name& name, const cli::Usage& usage, const cli::Description& description, bool hidden) : name_(name), usage_(usage), description_(description), hidden_(hidden) {}
类本身的实现主要是构造函数和几个 Getter 函数。run()
函数是命令执行的主体,也是 anbox::cli::Command
类的子类 anbox::cli::CommandWithSubcommands
是 anbox::cli::Command
的容器,它集合了 Anbox 支持的所有命令,在执行时根据参数选择具体的 anbox::cli::Command
类定义(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.h
/// @brief CommandWithSubcommands implements Command, selecting one of a set of/// actions.class CommandWithSubcommands : public Command { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<CommandWithSubcommands> Ptr; typedef std::function<int(const Context&)> Action; /// @brief CommandWithSubcommands initializes a new instance with the given /// name, usage and description. CommandWithSubcommands(const Name& name, const Usage& usage, const Description& description); /// @brief command adds the given command to the set of known commands. CommandWithSubcommands& command(const Command::Ptr& command); /// @brief flag adds the given flag to the set of known flags. CommandWithSubcommands& flag(const Flag::Ptr& flag); // From Command int run(const Context& context) override; void help(std::ostream& out) override; private: std::unordered_map<std::string, Command::Ptr> commands_; std::set<Flag::Ptr> flags_; };
类用一个 std::unordered_map
保存它维护的所有的 anbox::cli::Command
类的实现(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.cpp
namespace {namespace pattern {static constexpr const char* help_for_command_with_subcommands = "NAME:\n" " %1% - %2%\n" "\n" "USAGE:\n" " %3% [command options] [arguments...]";static constexpr const char* commands = "COMMANDS:";static constexpr const char* command = " %1% %2%";static constexpr const char* options = "OPTIONS:";static constexpr const char* option = " --%1% %2%"; } . . . . . . cli::CommandWithSubcommands::CommandWithSubcommands( const Name& name, const Usage& usage, const Description& description) : Command{name, usage, description} { command(std::make_shared<cmd::Help>(*this)); } cli::CommandWithSubcommands& cli::CommandWithSubcommands::command( const Command::Ptr& command) { commands_[command->name().as_string()] = command; return *this; } cli::CommandWithSubcommands& cli::CommandWithSubcommands::flag( const Flag::Ptr& flag) { flags_.insert(flag); return *this; }void cli::CommandWithSubcommands::help(std::ostream& out) { out << boost::format(pattern::help_for_command_with_subcommands) % name().as_string() % usage().as_string() % name().as_string() << std::endl; if (flags_.size() > 0) { out << std::endl << pattern::options << std::endl; for (const auto& flag : flags_) out << boost::format(pattern::option) % flag->name() % flag->description() << std::endl; } if (commands_.size() > 0) { out << std::endl << pattern::commands << std::endl; for (const auto& cmd : commands_) { if (cmd.second && !cmd.second->hidden()) out << boost::format(pattern::command) % cmd.second->name() % cmd.second->description() << std::endl; } } }int cli::CommandWithSubcommands::run(const cli::Command::Context& ctxt) { po::positional_options_description pdesc; pdesc.add("command", 1); po::options_description desc("Options"); desc.add_options()("command", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "the command to be executed"); add_to_desc_for_flags(desc, flags_); try { po::variables_map vm; auto parsed = po::command_line_parser(ctxt.args) .options(desc) .positional(pdesc) .style(po::command_line_style::unix_style) .allow_unregistered() .run(); po::store(parsed, vm); po::notify(vm); auto cmd = commands_[vm["command"].as<std::string>()]; if (!cmd) { ctxt.cout << "Unknown command '" << vm["command"].as<std::string>() << "'" << std::endl; help(ctxt.cout); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return cmd->run(cli::Command::Context{ ctxt.cin, ctxt.cout, po::collect_unrecognized(parsed.options, po::include_positional)}); } catch (const po::error& e) { ctxt.cout << e.what() << std::endl; help(ctxt.cout); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
类的 command()
函数主要用于添加 Command
函数用于添加 Flag
函数用于输出帮助信息,它主要是根据格式字符串,将 CommandWithSubcommands
函数解析命令行参数,选择适当的具体 Command
类的子类 anbox::cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction
用于描述可以带一些参数选项的具体的 Command
,如容器管理器,会话管理器等。Anbox 的具体 Command
的定制行为,不是通过 override 该类的 run()
函数,而是通过定义一个 std::function<int(const Context&)>
Action 函数来实现的。Anbox 的具体 Command
通过 action()
函数将定制了行为的 Action 提交给 anbox::cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction
定义(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.h
/// @brief CommandWithFlagsAction implements Command, executing an Action after/// handlingclass CommandWithFlagsAndAction : public Command { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<CommandWithFlagsAndAction> Ptr; typedef std::function<int(const Context&)> Action; /// @brief CommandWithFlagsAndAction initializes a new instance with the given /// name, usage and description. Optionally the command can be marked as hidden. CommandWithFlagsAndAction(const Name& name, const Usage& usage, const Description& description, bool hidden = false); /// @brief flag adds the given flag to the set of known flags. CommandWithFlagsAndAction& flag(const Flag::Ptr& flag); /// @brief action installs the given action. CommandWithFlagsAndAction& action(const Action& action); // From Command int run(const Context& context) override; void help(std::ostream& out) override; private: std::set<Flag::Ptr> flags_; Action action_; };
Anbox 用 Flag
表示命令行参数选项,boost 可以辅助解析命令行参数并设置一些类型为 std::string
或 bool
之类的状态。通过 flag()
函数可以为具体 Command
的实现(位于 anbox/src/anbox/cli.cpp
void add_to_desc_for_flags(po::options_description& desc, const std::set<cli::Flag::Ptr>& flags) { for (auto flag : flags) { po::value_semantic *spec = nullptr; flag->specify_option(spec); if (!spec) continue; desc.add_options()(flag->name().as_string().c_str(), spec, flag->description().as_string().c_str()); } } } . . . . . . cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::CommandWithFlagsAndAction( const Name& name, const Usage& usage, const Description& description, bool hidden) : Command{name, usage, description, hidden} {} cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction& cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::flag( const Flag::Ptr& flag) { flags_.insert(flag); return *this; } cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction& cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::action( const Action& action) { action_ = action; return *this; } int cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::run(const Context& ctxt) { po::options_description cd(name().as_string()); bool help_requested{false}; cd.add_options()("help", po::bool_switch(&help_requested), "produces a help message"); add_to_desc_for_flags(cd, flags_); try { po::variables_map vm; auto parsed = po::command_line_parser(ctxt.args) .options(cd) .style(po::command_line_style::unix_style) .allow_unregistered() .run(); po::store(parsed, vm); po::notify(vm); if (help_requested) { help(ctxt.cout); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } return action_(cli::Command::Context{ ctxt.cin, ctxt.cout, po::collect_unrecognized(parsed.options, po::include_positional)}); } catch (const po::error& e) { ctxt.cout << e.what() << std::endl; help(ctxt.cout); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } void cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::help(std::ostream& out) { out << boost::format(pattern::help_for_command_with_subcommands) % name().as_string() % description().as_string() % name().as_string() << std::endl; if (flags_.size() > 0) { out << std::endl << boost::format(pattern::options) << std::endl; for (const auto& flag : flags_) out << boost::format(pattern::option) % flag->name() % flag->description() << std::endl; } }
函数将 flags_
添加进 po::options_description
,在后面通过 boost 的 command_line_parser
cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::run(const Context& ctxt)
解析命令行参数并执行 Action。cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction::help(std::ostream& out)
函数与 cli::CommandWithSubcommands
经过上面对 Anbox 的 Command
类结构体系的分析,我们获得了一个分析 Anbox 中如 SessionManager
和 ContainerManager
这样的具体 Command
通过 flag()
函数可以提交一个 Flag
,即一个命令行参数选项的描述及其关联的状态,该状态将在 Command
的 run()
函数执行初期通过解析命令行参数来更新;通过 action()
函数可以提交一个函数,作为 Command
行为的主体,该函数将会在 Command
的 run()
无论是对哪个 cli::CommandWithFlagsAndAction
的子类的分析,我们都可以把它分成两部分来看:一是通过 flag()
函数提交 Flag
,二是通过 action()