Look-and-See (边看边说) 数列具有好玩儿而神秘的特性,本文简要介绍它和它衍生出来的康威常数。
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221
故事并没有结束,后来,在剑桥大学执教的著名数学家约翰·霍顿·康威( John·Horton·Conway)从他的学生那儿拿到了这道题,他发现了其中的奥秘,并对它进行了分析和传播。
康威在1986年去普林斯顿大学接任了著名的约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)教授的位子,继续教书。
给定种子数 d (种子数在0到9之间,非1), 那么,该数列就可以具体化为:
d, 1d, 111d, 311d, 13211d, 111312211d, 31131122211d, …
如果种子数是1, 具体化后的数列就是本文开头的那个数列了。
当种子数不是22 时, 具体化后的数列的各项是依次增长的。
种子数不为22时,此数列的后项与前项比有极限,这个极限被称为康威常数,常用 λ 表示。
λ ≈ 1.303577269034296391257099112152551890730702504659404875754861390628550...
由于无法上传,请查看我创建的百度词条“Look-and-say 数列” 中的配图.
(上图截取自维基百科: Look-and-say sequence , 我在百度百科为这个词建立了词条,感兴趣的可以去看下)
上图中的四条曲线各自是一个 Look-and-say 数列的图示: 红色的种子数是23,蓝色的是1,紫色的是13,绿色的是312。
随着 x 轴方向的变量不断变大,各个曲线的斜率趋向统一,极限值就是康威常数( Conway Constant )。
康威基于这个数列建立了 Cosmological theorem,解释了宇宙衰变(Cosmological decay),用这个数列解释了化学元素衰变和相对原子质量之间的关系。
JavaScript 实现1
/*node las.js */function lookAndSay(str) { return str.replace(/(.)\1*/g, function(seq, p1){return seq.length.toString() + p1})}var num = "1";for (var i = 10; i > 0; i--) { console.log(num); num = lookAndSay(num);}
JavaScript 实现2:
/** @Author: suifengtec* @Date: 2017-08-22 03:45:05* @Last Modified by: suifengtec* @Last Modified time: 2017-08-22 03:51:02*//*node las1.js */function lookAndSay(digits) { var result = '', chars = (digits + ' ').split(''), lastChar = chars[0], times = 0; chars.forEach(function(nextChar) { if (nextChar === lastChar) { times++; } else { result += (times + '') + lastChar; lastChar = nextChar; times = 1; } }); return result;} (function output(seed, iterations) { for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { console.log(seed); seed = lookAndSay(seed); }})("1", 10);
-- @Author: suifengtec-- @Date: 2017-08-22 03:51:07-- @Last Modified by: 'suifengtec'-- @Last Modified time: 2017-08-22 03:56:18--a lua implement of the look-and-say sequence-- lua las.luafunction lookAndSay(n) local t = {1} return function() local ret = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do if t[i-1] and v == t[i-1] then ret[#ret - 1] = ret[#ret - 1] + 1 else ret[#ret + 1] = 1 ret[#ret + 1] = v end end t = ret n = n - 1 if n > 0 then return table.concat(ret) end endendfor i in lookAndSay(10) do print(i) end
PHP 实现:
<?php/** * @Author: suifengtec * @Date: 2017-08-22 03:57:46 * @Last Modified by: 'suifengtec' * @Last Modified time: 2017-08-22 03:59:52 *//*php -S */function lookAndSay($str) { return preg_replace_callback('#(.)\1*#', function($matches) { return strlen($matches[0]).$matches[1]; }, $str);} $num = '1';foreach(range(1,10) as $i) { echo $num.'<br/>'; $num = lookAndSay($num);}
Python 实现:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @Author: suifengtec# @Date: 2017-08-22 04:00:59# @Last Modified by: 'suifengtec'# @Last Modified time: 2017-08-22 04:02:27## Look and Say 数列的 Python 实现# python las.py#def lookAndSay(number): result = "" repeat = number[0] number = number[1:]+" " times = 1 for actual in number: if actual != repeat: result += str(times)+repeat times = 1 repeat = actual else: times += 1 return resultnum = "1"for i in range(10): print(num) num = lookAndSay(num)
Rust 中的实现:
/*rustc -o rs.exe las.rs && rs */fn las(in_seq: &[i8]) -> Vec<i8> { assert!(!in_seq.is_empty()); let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut current_number = in_seq[0]; let mut current_runlength = 1; for i in &in_seq[1..] { if current_number == *i { current_runlength += 1; } else { result.push(current_runlength); result.push(current_number); current_runlength = 1; current_number = *i; } } result.push(current_runlength); result.push(current_number); result} fn main() { let mut seq = vec![1]; for i in 0..10 { println!("{}=>{:?}", i, seq); seq = las(&seq); }}
Go 语言的实现:
/** @Author: coolwp.com* @Date: 2017-08-22 01:55:09* @Last Modified by: suifengtec* @Last Modified time: 2017-08-22 02:37:27**/package mainimport ( "fmt" "math" "strconv" "strings")// 获取以 1 为种子数的Look-and-say 数列任意位置的数字func getNumberOfLookAndSaySequeceSeed1(position int) int { if position == 1 { return 1 } if position == 2 { return 11 } str := "11" for i := 3; i <= position; i++ { str += "$" length := len(str) tmp := "" cnt := 1 for j := 1; j < length; j++ { strSlice := strings.Split(str, "") if strSlice[j] != strSlice[j-1] { cntTmp := strconv.Itoa(cnt) tmp += cntTmp tmp += strSlice[j-1] cnt = 1 } else { cnt++ } } str = tmp } v, err := strconv.Atoi(str) //v, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64) if err != nil { return -1 } if v > math.MaxInt32 { return -1 } return v}// 给定任意种子数 seed, 获取 LookAndSay 数列的 第 position 项func getNumberOfLookAndSaySequece(seed int, position int) int { if seed == 22 { return 22 } if position == 1 { return seed } seedStr := strconv.Itoa(seed) str := "2" + seedStr if position == 2 { v, err := strconv.Atoi(str) if err != nil { return -1 } if v > math.MaxInt32 { return -1 } return v } for i := 3; i < position; i++ { str += "$" length := len(str) tmp := "" cnt := 1 for j := 1; j < length; j++ { strSlice := strings.Split(str, "") if strSlice[j] != strSlice[j-1] { cntTmp := strconv.Itoa(cnt) tmp += cntTmp tmp += strSlice[j-1] cnt = 1 } else { cnt++ } } str = tmp } r, err := strconv.Atoi(str) if err != nil { return -1 } if r > math.MaxInt32 { return -1 } return r}func main() { position := 5 a := getNumberOfLookAndSaySequeceSeed1(position) seed := 1 pos := 5 b := getNumberOfLookAndSaySequece(seed, pos) fmt.Println(a) fmt.Println(b)}
PS: 由于这个 js 不支持 Go 语言代码高亮,并且缩进也显示有问题, 所以请在粘贴后执行 go fmt。