本文分析版本: Android API 23,v4基于 23.2.1
1 简介
并为你正在运行的设备正确配置的标准LayoutInflater实例对象。 例如:
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
((R.something file.)。
2 获取LayoutInflater的三种方式:
LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
//调用Activity的getLayoutInflater()LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
调用的还是Activity中的方法:public LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater() { return getWindow().getLayoutInflater(); }
是一个抽象类,它 唯一 实现类是PhoneWindow
public PhoneWindow(Context context) { super(context); mLayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); } /** * Return a LayoutInflater instance that can be used to inflate XML view layout * resources for use in this Window. * * @return LayoutInflater The shared LayoutInflater. */ @Override public LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater() { return mLayoutInflater; }
/** * Obtains the LayoutInflater from the given context. */ public static LayoutInflater from(Context context) { //通过获取系统服务的方式获取到LayoutInflater实例对象 LayoutInflater LayoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); if (LayoutInflater == null) { throw new AssertionError("LayoutInflater not found."); } return LayoutInflater; }
3 主要方法预览
public static LayoutInflater from(Context context);
public void setFactory(Factory factory);
public void setFactory2(Factory2 factory);
同上,区别是工厂2多了对实例化View的时候Parent的支持。在API 11引入。
public void setFilter(Filter filter);
public View inflate(@LayoutRes int resource, @Nullable ViewGroup root);
public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, @Nullable ViewGroup root);
public View inflate(@LayoutRes int resource, @Nullable ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot);
public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, @Nullable ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot);
public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs);
protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs);
createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs);
)。protected View onCreateView(View parent, String name, AttributeSet attrs);
createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs);
)。View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name,Context context, AttributeSet attrs);
)。void rInflate(XmlPullParser parser, View parent, Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, boolean finishInflate);
4 流程预览
// 把xml布局资源或者通过资源解析器实例化View inflate{ if(merge标签){ // 递归实例化根节点的子View rInflate(); // 返回是父View(因为根节点是merge标签) }else{ // 实例化根节点的View createViewFromTag(); // 递归实例化跟节点的子View rInflateChildren() // 这个需要注意 if(父View是空或者不把填充的View添加到父View){ 返回根节点View }else{ 返回父View } } } // 通过View的名称实例化View createViewFromTag{ //各个工厂先onCreateView() onCreateView()或者createView() } // 递归实例化Parent的子View rInflate{ // 解析请求焦点 parseRequestFocus() // 解析include标签 parseInclude() // 通过View的名称实例化View createViewFromTag() rInflate }
注意 ,在调用inflate
5 流程详情
/************************字段定义区**********************/ // 反射调用构造方法的两个参数 final Object[] mConstructorArgs = new Object[2]; // 反射构造方法的参数类型 static final Class<?>[] mConstructorSignature = new Class[] { Context.class, AttributeSet.class}; protected final Context mContext;
注:以下我们用 “当前View”来指代该操作的View,用“父View”指代“当前View”的父View。
5.1 inflate方法解析
inflate 方法主要是把布局资源实例化成View并返回。
通过 获取LayoutInflater的三种方式 我们知道,通过布局文件填充成View对象最终调用的是下面两个方法:
public View inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("INFLATING from resource: " + resource); //获取布局资源的xml解析器,注意:在开头的时候我们强调过,普通的xml是不被支持的,必须是经过编译器处理过的。 XmlResourceParser parser = getContext().getResources().getLayout(resource); try { return inflate(parser, root, attachToRoot); } finally { parser.close(); } }
public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) { synchronized (mConstructorArgs) { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "inflate"); // from传入的Context final Context inflaterContext = mContext; // 判断parser是否是AttributeSet,如果不是则用XmlPullAttributes去包装一下。 final AttributeSet attrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser); // 保存之前的Context Context lastContext = (Context) mConstructorArgs[0]; // 赋值为传入的Context mConstructorArgs[0] = inflaterContext; // 默认返回的是传入的Parent View result = root; try { // 查找开始标签 int type; while ((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.START_TAG && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { // Empty } //如果没找到有效的开始标签则抛出InflateException if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { throw new InflateException(parser.getPositionDescription() + ": No start tag found!"); } //获取控件的名称 final String name = parser.getName(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("**************************"); System.out.println("Creating root view: " + name); System.out.println("**************************"); } // 如果根节点是“merge”标签 if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) { // 根节点为空或者不添加到根节点上,则抛出异常。 // 因为“merge”标签必须是要被添加到父节点上的,不能独立存在。 if (root == null || !attachToRoot) { throw new InflateException("<merge /> can be used only with a valid " + "ViewGroup root and attachToRoot=true"); } // 递归实例化root(也就是传入Parent)下所有的View rInflate(parser, root, inflaterContext, attrs, false); } else { // temp是当前xml的根节点的View。通过父View、View名、Context、属性,来实例化View。也即实例化根节点的View。 final View temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, inflaterContext, attrs); ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null; // 如果传入Parent不为空 if (root != null) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Creating params from root: " + root); } // 创建父View类型的LayoutParams参数 params = root.generateLayoutParams(attrs); if (!attachToRoot) { // 如果不把填充的View 关联在父View上,则把父View的LayoutParams参数设置给它 // 如果把填充的View关联在父View上,则会走下面addView的逻辑 temp.setLayoutParams(params); } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("-----> start inflating children"); } // 实例化根节点View下面的所有子View。 // TODO .................. rInflate(parser, temp, attrs, true); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("-----> done inflating children"); } // Google建议关联所有找到的View // 如果根节点不为null,并且需要把根节点View关联到Parent上,则使用addView方法把布局填充成的View树添加到Parent上。 if (root != null && attachToRoot) { root.addView(temp, params); } // 决定返回的RootView(也即传入的Parent)还是xml中的根节点的View。 // 如果传入的Parent为空 或 实例化的View不添加到Parent上,则返回布局文件的根节点的View // 否则,返回Parent if (root == null || !attachToRoot) { result = temp; } } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { InflateException ex = new InflateException(e.getMessage()); ex.initCause(e); throw ex; } catch (IOException e) { InflateException ex = new InflateException( parser.getPositionDescription() + ": " + e.getMessage()); ex.initCause(e); throw ex; } finally { // Don't retain static reference on context. // 把这之前保存的Context从新放回全局变量中。 mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext; mConstructorArgs[1] = null; } Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); return result; } }
5.2 createViewFromTag方法解析
createViewFromTag 方法主要通过要实例化View的父View、要实例化View的名称、Context上下文、属性值来实例化View。该方法主要做的操作有:
/* * 缺省方法可见性,好让BridgeInflater能重写它。 * 根据父View、View名称、Context、属性实例化View。 */ private View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { return createViewFromTag(parent, name, context, attrs, false); } View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs, boolean ignoreThemeAttr) { // 如果是View标签,则用class指向的类的完整名称来替换当前名称。(我们都知道,用Fragment的时候,可指定 class="Fragment完整路径名",其他widget控件也类似) if (name.equals("view")) { name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class"); } // 应用主题包装,如果允许并且已经被指定 // Apply a theme wrapper, if allowed and one is specified. if (!ignoreThemeAttr) { // 获取Context中主题属性 final TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, ATTRS_THEME); final int themeResId = ta.getResourceId(0, 0); // 如果包含了主题,则用ContextThemeWrapper包装一下 if (themeResId != 0) { context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeResId); } ta.recycle(); } // 如果根标签是“1995”,则创建一个“BlinkLayout”(其实就是一个FrameLayout) // ps:这个没见过在哪里用到过。 if (name.equals(TAG_1995)) { // Let's party like it's 1995! return new BlinkLayout(context, attrs); } try { View view; // 尝试通过 mFactory2 或者 mFactory来创建View,这两个是通过setFactory和setFactory2来设置的。 if (mFactory2 != null) { view = mFactory2.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs); } else if (mFactory != null) { view = mFactory.onCreateView(name, context, attrs); } else { view = null; } // 如果没有设置自定义工厂并且LayoutInflater本身私有的View工厂不为空,则用私有View工厂创建View。 if (view == null && mPrivateFactory != null) { view = mPrivateFactory.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs); } // 如果View还为空,也即没有工厂,或者工厂未能正确创建View,则尝试通过自身的方法实例化View if (view == null) { final Object lastContext = mConstructorArgs[0]; mConstructorArgs[0] = context; try { if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) { // 如果View标签中没有".",则代表是系统的widget,则调用onCreateView,这个方法会通过"createView"方法创建View // 不过前缀字段会自动补"android.view."。 view = onCreateView(parent, name, attrs); } else { // 非系统控件,则name本身就是控件的完整路径名。 //通过widget完整路径名以及属性创建View。 view = createView(name, null, attrs); } } finally { mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext; } } return view; } catch (InflateException e) { throw e; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { final InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription() + ": Error inflating class " + name); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } catch (Exception e) { final InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription() + ": Error inflating class " + name); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } }
5.3 onCreateView和createView方法解析
onCreateView 有两个重载方法,最终调用的是createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs)
createView 主要做的操作有:
protected View onCreateView(View parent, String name, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException { return onCreateView(name, attrs); } protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException { // 系统控件,前缀自动补上"android.view." return createView(name, "android.view.", attrs); } public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException { // 通过以View的name为key,查询构造函数的缓存map中时候已经有该View的构造函数。 Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name); Class<? extends View> clazz = null; try { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, name); // 构造函数在缓存的map中没有,则尝试去创建并添加。 if (constructor == null) { // 通过 类名去加载控件的字节码 clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass( prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class); //如果有自定义的过滤器并且加载到字节码,则通过过滤器判断是否允许加载该View。 if (mFilter != null && clazz != null) { boolean allowed = mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz); if (!allowed) { // 如果不允许则抛出异常。 failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs); } } // 得到构造函数 constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature); constructor.setAccessible(true); // 缓存构造函数 sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor); } else { // setFilter()可能会在类的构造函数被添加到map之后,所以获取到map中的构造函数后还需要判断是否过滤。 if (mFilter != null) { // 过滤的map中是否已经包含了此类名。 Boolean allowedState = mFilterMap.get(name); // 当前类名没有被放到过滤的缓存map中 if (allowedState == null) { // 重新加载类的字节码 clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass( prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class); // 重新通过过滤器判断是否过滤。 boolean allowed = clazz != null && mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz); // 把过滤结果放到过滤的缓存map中。 mFilterMap.put(name, allowed); if (!allowed) { // 如果要过滤,则抛出异常。 failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs); } } else if (allowedState.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { // 缓存构造函数的map中已经保存了当前要实例化的View的构造函数并且是要过滤的,抛出异常。 failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs); } } } // 实例化类的参数数组,0 是获取LayoutInflater传入的Context,1 是View的属性 Object[] args = mConstructorArgs; args[1] = attrs; // 通过构造函数实例化View(看到此行就知道,为什么自定义View或者ViewGroup的时候,如果在布局中使用的话,必须重写两个参数的构造函数了。) final View view = constructor.newInstance(args); // 如果当前View是ViewStub,则把布局填充器设置给它。(因为ViewStub在此刻并不会填充期子View,而是等需要的时候由用户手动触发。) if (view instanceof ViewStub) { // 把当前LayoutInflater的克隆传递给ViewStub,让ViewStub实例化的时候用,因为ViewStub只是在需要的时候才会实例化View。 final ViewStub viewStub = (ViewStub) view; viewStub.setLayoutInflater(cloneInContext((Context) args[0])); } return view; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription() + ": Error inflating class " + (prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name)); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } catch (ClassCastException e) { // If loaded class is not a View subclass InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription() + ": Class is not a View " + (prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name)); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // If loadClass fails, we should propagate the exception. throw e; } catch (Exception e) { InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription() + ": Error inflating class " + (clazz == null ? "<unknown>" : clazz.getName())); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } finally { Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } }
5.4 rInflateChildren和rInflate方法解析
/** * 循环方法用来深入xml的层级并且实例化内部的View(非根节点View),这个方法通过调用rInflate,并使用Parent的Context作为 * 实例化View的Context。 */ final void rInflateChildren(XmlPullParser parser, View parent, AttributeSet attrs, boolean finishInflate) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { rInflate(parser, parent, parent.getContext(), attrs, finishInflate); } /** * 循环方法用来深入xml的层级并且实例化view以及View的子View, * 最后调用onFinishInflate()方法 */ void rInflate(XmlPullParser parser, View parent,Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, boolean finishInflate) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // 获取当前xml解析的深度 final int depth = parser.getDepth(); int type; // 循环遍历xml节点 while (((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > depth) && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { continue; } // 获取节点的名称 final String name = parser.getName(); // 请求焦点 if (TAG_REQUEST_FOCUS.equals(name)) { parseRequestFocus(parser, parent); } else if (TAG_TAG.equals(name)) { // 解析<tag>元素,并且设置键控标签在它包含的View上。最终调用的是View的view.setTag(key, value);方法 parseViewTag(parser, parent, attrs); } else if (TAG_INCLUDE.equals(name)) { //处理include标签 if (parser.getDepth() == 0) { // 最外层使用include标签抛出异常。 throw new InflateException("<include /> cannot be the root element"); } // 解析include标签引入的布局 parseInclude(parser, context, parent, attrs); } else if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) { // 如果是merge标签则抛出异常(因为此方法实例化的是xml根节点的子View,所以非根节点不能使用merge标签。) throw new InflateException("<merge /> must be the root element"); } else { // 一般性的View final View view = createViewFromTag(parent, name, context, attrs); final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent; // 获取父View的LayoutParams,并在把View添加到父View的时候带过去 //(这里解释了,为什么自己手动new 一个View,添加到父View上的时候需要new父View的LayoutParams参数而不是自己的LayoutParams参数。) final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = viewGroup.generateLayoutParams(attrs); // 递归遍历实例化 rInflateChildren(parser, view, attrs, true); viewGroup.addView(view, params); } } // 如果父View下的所有View都完成填充,则调用父View的onFinishInflate()方法。 if (finishInflate) parent.onFinishInflate(); }
5.5 parseInclude方法解析
/** * 解析include标签 */ private void parseInclude(XmlPullParser parser, Context context, View parent, AttributeSet attrs) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { int type; // 如果include标签的父View是ViewGroup,则继续,否则抛出异常。 if (parent instanceof ViewGroup) { // 使用主题包装。如果include中的View有自己的attr属性,则忽略。 final TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, ATTRS_THEME); final int themeResId = ta.getResourceId(0, 0); final boolean hasThemeOverride = themeResId != 0; if (hasThemeOverride) { context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeResId); } ta.recycle(); // 获取Layout标签指向布局资源id int layout = attrs.getAttributeResourceValue(null, ATTR_LAYOUT, 0); if (layout == 0) { // 获取Layout的value值 final String value = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_LAYOUT); if (value == null || value.length() <= 0) { throw new InflateException("You must specify a layout in the" + " include tag: <include layout=\"@layout/layoutID\" />"); } // 尝试解析"?attr/name"成id资源 layout = context.getResources().getIdentifier(value.substring(1), null, null); } // include的布局可能引用了主题属性 if (mTempValue == null) { mTempValue = new TypedValue(); } // 尝试从主题中获取布局资源id,如果有的话。 if (layout != 0 && context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(layout, mTempValue, true)) { layout = mTempValue.resourceId; } // 如果还是无法找到布局id,抛出异常。 if (layout == 0) { final String value = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_LAYOUT); throw new InflateException("You must specify a valid layout " + "reference. The layout ID " + value + " is not valid."); } else { // 获取include标签中布局的解析器 final XmlResourceParser childParser = context.getResources().getLayout(layout); try { final AttributeSet childAttrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(childParser); // 查找根节点 while ((type = childParser.next()) != XmlPullParser.START_TAG && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { // Empty. } // 如果找不到根节点,抛出异常。 if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { throw new InflateException(childParser.getPositionDescription() + ": No start tag found!"); } // 获取标签名 final String childName = childParser.getName(); // 实例化merge标签 if (TAG_MERGE.equals(childName)) { // <merge>标签不支持android:theme,所以不需要其他处理 rInflate(childParser, parent, context, childAttrs, false); } else { // 创建View实例化对象 final View view = createViewFromTag(parent, childName, context, childAttrs, hasThemeOverride); final ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) parent; // 获取View的id和可见性 final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.Include); final int id = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.Include_id, View.NO_ID); final int visibility = a.getInt(R.styleable.Include_visibility, -1); a.recycle(); // 尝试加载<include />标签中的布局参数,如果父View无法生成布局参数(比如include标签下没有宽高参数是要抛出运行时异常的) // 捕获运行时异常,然后用引用的Layout的attrs来创建布局参数 ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null; try { // 使用include标签的attrs来生成布局参数 params = group.generateLayoutParams(attrs); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Ignore, just fail over to child attrs. } if (params == null) { // 如果include标签的attrs没有正确的生成布局参数,则使用Layout布局的attrs来生成布局参数 params = group.generateLayoutParams(childAttrs); } view.setLayoutParams(params); // 实例化所有子View rInflateChildren(childParser, view, childAttrs, true); if (id != View.NO_ID) { view.setId(id); } switch (visibility) { case 0: view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break; case 1: view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); break; case 2: view.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; } // 把布局实例化的View添加到父View上。 group.addView(view); } } finally { childParser.close(); } } } else { throw new InflateException("<include /> can only be used inside of a ViewGroup"); } LayoutInflater.consumeChildElements(parser); }
6 LayoutInflaterCompat
// api 1引入 setFactory(Factory factory) // api 11 引入 setFactory2(Factory2 factory)
public interface Factory { /** * Hook you can supply that is called when inflating from a LayoutInflater. * You can use this to customize the tag names available in your XML * layout files. * * <p> * Note that it is good practice to prefix these custom names with your * package (i.e., com.coolcompany.apps) to avoid conflicts with system * names. * * @param name Tag name to be inflated. * @param context The context the view is being created in. * @param attrs Inflation attributes as specified in XML file. * * @return View Newly created view. Return null for the default * behavior. */ public View onCreateView(String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs); } public interface Factory2 extends Factory { /** * Version of {@link #onCreateView(String, Context, AttributeSet)} * that also supplies the parent that the view created view will be * placed in. * * @param parent The parent that the created view will be placed * in; <em>note that this may be null</em>. * @param name Tag name to be inflated. * @param context The context the view is being created in. * @param attrs Inflation attributes as specified in XML file. * * @return View Newly created view. Return null for the default * behavior. */ public View onCreateView(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs); }
通过上述接口可以看出来,新的setFactory2(Factory2 factory)
比老的setFactory(Factory factory)
在构建View的时候多传入了一个Parent View。如果你想用setFactory2(Factory factory)
需要实现带Parent View和不带Parent View的两个方法,比较复杂,所以v4包中的LayoutInflaterCompat就为我们提供了兼容性处理,先看用法:
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = getLayoutInflater(); LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory(layoutInflater, new LayoutInflaterFactory() { @Override public View onCreateView(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { // name 是布局文件中View的名称,在这里可以坐很多操作,比如: // 给TextView设置字体。 // 把TextView变成Button,如果需要的话。 // 修改后的View,如果返回空则会调用LayoutInflater本身实例化View的方法,详情见createViewFromTag中try下面的逻辑。 return null; } });
举个例子: 现在我们用AS开发,一般默认是继承AppCompatActivity
@Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { // 获取兼容包的委托类 final AppCompatDelegate delegate = getDelegate(); // 安装Factory delegate.installViewFactory(); delegate.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (delegate.applyDayNight() && mThemeId != 0) { // If DayNight has been applied, we need to re-apply the theme for // the changes to take effect. On API 23+, we should bypass // setTheme(), which will no-op if the theme ID is identical to the // current theme ID. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { onApplyThemeResource(getTheme(), mThemeId, false); } else { setTheme(mThemeId); } } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }
@Override public void installViewFactory() { // 使用LayoutInflaterCompat进行兼容性适配 LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); if (layoutInflater.getFactory() == null) { // 如果之前没有设置工厂,则自己实现接口然后传入,用来实现AppCompat特性,比如支持向低版本 tint着色等新特性。 // 实际上它也是在工厂的实现类中用AppCompatXXX去替换XXX,比如用AppConpatTextView替换TextView等诸如此类。 LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory(layoutInflater, this); } else { // 如果已经设置了Factory并且不是当前类,则什么也不做,只打印日志。这样就会失去上述中tint等特性。 if (!(LayoutInflaterCompat.getFactory(layoutInflater) instanceof AppCompatDelegateImplV7)) { Log.i(TAG, "The Activity's LayoutInflater already has a Factory installed" + " so we can not install AppCompat's"); } } }
public static void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflaterFactory factory) { IMPL.setFactory(inflater, factory); }
static final LayoutInflaterCompatImpl IMPL; static { final int version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (version >= 21) { // 5.0及其以上版本 IMPL = new LayoutInflaterCompatImplV21(); } else if (version >= 11) { // 3.0及其以上版本 IMPL = new LayoutInflaterCompatImplV11(); } else { // 低于3.0版本 IMPL = new LayoutInflaterCompatImplBase(); } }
static void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflaterFactory factory) { inflater.setFactory(factory != null ? new FactoryWrapper(factory) : null); } static LayoutInflaterFactory getFactory(LayoutInflater inflater) { LayoutInflater.Factory factory = inflater.getFactory(); if (factory instanceof FactoryWrapper) { return ((FactoryWrapper) factory).mDelegateFactory; } return null; }
的静态内部类:class LayoutInflaterCompatBase { static class FactoryWrapper implements LayoutInflater.Factory { final LayoutInflaterFactory mDelegateFactory; FactoryWrapper(LayoutInflaterFactory delegateFactory) { mDelegateFactory = delegateFactory; } @Override public View onCreateView(String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { return mDelegateFactory.onCreateView(null, name, context, attrs); } public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "{" + mDelegateFactory + "}"; } } static void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflaterFactory factory) { inflater.setFactory(factory != null ? new FactoryWrapper(factory) : null); } static LayoutInflaterFactory getFactory(LayoutInflater inflater) { LayoutInflater.Factory factory = inflater.getFactory(); if (factory instanceof FactoryWrapper) { return ((FactoryWrapper) factory).mDelegateFactory; } return null; } }
,可以看到它调用的是带有Parent View参数的onCreateView
方法,不过Parent View传的是null。大于3.0小于5.0
static void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflaterFactory factory) { // 如果传入的Factory不为空则包装一下,否则传空 final LayoutInflater.Factory2 factory2 = factory != null ? new FactoryWrapperHC(factory) : null; // 设置Factory2. inflater.setFactory2(factory2); // 获取当前Inflater的Factory。 final LayoutInflater.Factory f = inflater.getFactory(); // 如果属于Factory2则通过反射把mFactory赋值给mFactory2。 if (f instanceof LayoutInflater.Factory2) { // The merged factory is now set to getFactory(), but not getFactory2() (pre-v21). // We will now try and force set the merged factory to mFactory2 forceSetFactory2(inflater, (LayoutInflater.Factory2) f); } else { // 否则设置mFactory2为新创建的Factory2。 // Else, we will force set the original wrapped Factory2 forceSetFactory2(inflater, factory2); } } // 利用反射修改Factory2 /** * For APIs >= 11 && < 21, there was a framework bug that prevented a LayoutInflater's * Factory2 from being merged properly if set after a cloneInContext from a LayoutInflater * that already had a Factory2 registered. We work around that bug here. If we can't we * log an error. * 对于版本>- 11 并且 < 21,如果调用cloneInContext从LayoutInflater克隆一个LayoutInflater,在FrameWork层有一个bug阻止了LayoutInflater的Factory2的合并,因为已经有一个Factory2被注册了,所在在此通过反射的方式去修改Factory2。 */ static void forceSetFactory2(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflater.Factory2 factory) { if (!sCheckedField) { try { sLayoutInflaterFactory2Field = LayoutInflater.class.getDeclaredField("mFactory2"); sLayoutInflaterFactory2Field.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Log.e(TAG, "forceSetFactory2 Could not find field 'mFactory2' on class " + LayoutInflater.class.getName() + "; inflation may have unexpected results.", e); } sCheckedField = true; } if (sLayoutInflaterFactory2Field != null) { try { sLayoutInflaterFactory2Field.set(inflater, factory); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e(TAG, "forceSetFactory2 could not set the Factory2 on LayoutInflater " + inflater + "; inflation may have unexpected results.", e); } } }
bug的具体产生原因见:LayoutInflater在Api 21以下的setFactory2的bug是怎么产生的
static void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater, LayoutInflaterFactory factory) { inflater.setFactory2(factory != null ? new LayoutInflaterCompatHC.FactoryWrapperHC(factory) : null); }
这个其实没啥用,可以跟第二条合并的,但是最新的v4包没有改,但是在api >= 20的Android源码里面,其实已经这么做了:
static final LayoutInflaterCompatImpl IMPL; static { final int version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (version >= 11) { IMPL = new LayoutInflaterCompatImplV11(); } else { IMPL = new LayoutInflaterCompatImplBase(); } }