我的sublime是不是很漂亮。 手记旨在总结mac系统上sublime的常用快捷键,提高个人开发效率、亲测有效。
gotoanythinggotoanything command
+ P
到文件 command
+ T
去哪个function command
+ R
+ G
python命令行 ^
+ '
命令面板 command
+ shift
+ P
新建窗口 command
+ shift
+ N
窗口拆分为两屏 command
+ Option
+ 2
焦点移动至相应组 ^
+ [1、2]
查找所有符合当前所选的内容进行多重编辑 command
+ ` +
查找 command
+ F
替换 command
+ option
+ F
新建文件 command
+ option
+ N
颜色吸取 command
+ shift
+ C
右键使用ctag实现代码定义的追踪 (ctags插件)
个人设置redindent { "keys": ["ctrl+q"], "command": "reindent" }
向下新启一行 command
+ return
向上新启一行 command
+ shift
+ return
Delete the word backward Option
+ Delete
Delete the word forward fn
+ Option
+ Delete
Delete to beginning of the line - command
+ Delete
Delete to end of the line - ^
+ K
Delete a line - ^
+ shift
+ K
Soft undo - command
+ U
Soft redo - command
+ shift
+ U
Join two lines - command
+ J
Bubble the line up - ^
+ command
+ up
Bubble the line down - ^
+ command
+ down
Duplicate a line - command
+ shift
+ D
Wrap lines at RULER position - command
+ Option
+ Q
改为大写 command
+ K
+ U
改为小写 command
+ K
+ L
选择括号内的内容 ^
+ shift
+ M
跳转至对应的括号 ^
+ M