//the first order should be package...
package com.imooc.thomas;
//the second order should be import system package
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CarRentSystem {
// accept the input from System.in
public static String ls_input_buy;
public static int li_input_count, li_input_no, li_input_days,
public static float lf_output_fare;
public static float li_output_ton;
public static String ls_output_name_passenger = "",
ls_output_name_ton = "", ls_element_datatype;
public static ArrayList<Integer> carNo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// public static int[] carNo_values;
public static Object[] carNo_values;
protected static String ls_output_name;
public static Car[] cars = { new passageCar("audi", 234, 0f, 4),
new truckCar("LiberationTruck", 315, 40.5f, 0),
new truckCar("pickup", 217, 20.76f, 3) };
public static int li_i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("Welcome to Use FMR Taxi System:");
System.out.println("Whether or not you will rent the car:1 yes 0 no");
// scan what the use input
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
// accept the input as string
ls_input_buy = scan.next();
// judge the input value.
if (ls_input_buy.equals("1")) {
System.out.println("the Cars and their type which you can rent:");
} else {
System.out.println("you want to end the system");
// println the original construct stub info,using the array
for (Car mycar : cars) {
// get the car info
System.out.println(li_i + "\t" + mycar.getName() + "\t"
+ mycar.getPrice() + "\t" + mycar.getTon() + "\t"
+ mycar.getPassenger());
// input how many cars the customers will buy
System.out.println("please input the car count you want:");
li_input_count = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("you input is:" + li_input_count);
// please input the sort No of cars
for (int i = 0; i < li_input_count; i++) {
System.out.println("please input the No of " + (i + 1) + "car:");
// put such No into an array
li_input_no = scan.nextInt();
// System.out.println("what you input is:" + li_input_no);
System.out.println("you choose:" + cars[li_input_no - 1].getName());
// define a new [] and convert ArrayList to it
// carNo_values = new int[carNo.size()];
// carNo_values = new int[carNo.Count];
// int[] values = (int[]) carNo.toArray(new int[carNo.size()]);//
// int[] values = (int[]) carNo.toArray(int[carNo.size()]);
carNo_values = (Object[]) carNo.toArray(); // work well
// int[] values = (int[]) carNo.toArray(new int[carNo.size()]);
// carNo.CopyTo(carNo_values);
// carNo_values = new int[carNo.Count];
// List.CopyTo(values);
// carNo_values = carNo.ToArray(typeof());
.println("please input how many days you want to rent these cars:");
// input the days
li_input_days = scan.nextInt();
// get the summary of loading passenger and ton respectively
for (int i = 0; i < carNo_values.length; i++) {
// get the load passenger
// if (cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getPassenger() > 0) {
// li_output_passenger += cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getPassenger();
// ls_output_name_passenger += cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getName()
// + "\t";
// }
// else if (cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getTon() > 0) {
// li_output_ton += cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getTon();
// ls_output_name_ton += cars[carNo_values[i] - 1].getName()
// + "\t";
// }
// System.out.println(carNo_values[i]);//work well
// System.out.println((Integer)carNo_values[i]); //work well;convert
// object to integer
// get the element's datatype
// Class<?> c1 = cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] -
// 1].getClass().getComponentType();
// System.out.println(c1.getName());
// boolean flag1 = cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] - 1] instanceof
// passageCar; //passageCar is car
// boolean flag2 = cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] - 1] instanceof
// truckCar;
// boolean flag3 = cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] - 1] instanceof
// Car;
// judge which subclass is
if (cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1] instanceof passageCar) {
// passageCar
ls_output_name_passenger += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1]
.getName() + "\t";
li_output_passenger += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1]
// convert to passenger subclass
// li_output_ton += (passageCar)cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] -
// 1].fare(li_input_days,cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i].getPrice());
lf_output_fare += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1].fare(
cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1].getPrice());// cars[(Integer)carNo_values[i] // -
// 1].getPrice();
} else if (cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1] instanceof truckCar) {
// passageCar
ls_output_name_ton += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1]
.getName() + "\t";
li_output_ton += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1].getTon();
lf_output_fare += cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1].fare(
cars[(Integer) carNo_values[i] - 1].getPrice());
// calculate fare
// Car cc = new passageCar();
// lf_fare += cc.fare(li_input_days,cars[carNo_values[i] -
// 1].getPrice());
// output the summary of your order
System.out.println("your recipe:");
System.out.println("***Cars which can load passenger:\n"
+ ls_output_name_passenger + "\ttotally load passengers:"
+ li_output_passenger);
System.out.println("***Cars which can load ton:\n" + ls_output_name_ton
+ "\ttotally load ton:" + li_output_ton);
System.out.println("***the total rent is:" + lf_output_fare); }}